frustrated need advice !

i am wanting to know what i am doing wrong
i am working on an average of
1485 cals per day in food
578 cals in exercise per day
910 average net food per day

and i am struggling to lose 2 lbs a week

am i eating too much or too little

any help offered will be appreciated as i am doing in excess of 37 miles a week walking and struggling to shift the lbs.

thank you


  • rnctipton
    rnctipton Posts: 134 Member
    Probably not eating enough. Your muscles need energy after working out, without it your body will store fat to use as energy. Each person is different, though. You may have to try something different to find out what works for you. I would guess though that your body needs more than 910 cals to be healthy.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    2lb a week is pretty good.

    Maybe you need to get your heart rate up a bit more or your body is used to the exercise you're doing so you don't burn as many calories as you think you are?
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    2lbs a week is great! And unless you are 4'10" tall and weigh around 100#, under 1000 cals is not near enough! Your body needs fuel. Working that hard on so little food will cause tons of problems. Brittle nails, dry skin, dull hair...and that's just the stuff you can see. All kinds of bad stuff is happening internally, too!

    Set your macros to 40 carbs/30 protein/30 fats. Eat your exercise calories. And be patient. It's better to take the weight off slow, because you are more likely to keep it off and to be healthy while doing it!

    Good luck!