Disabled working out?

I'm 35 female, Mother of Four and I have major mobility issues, where the femur of the Right Leg is broken and plated together, with 8 screws holding everything in place, this plate is flat against the bone which means they had to pull the muscle away from the bone in order to fit this 7mm thick plate in, which is roughly about 12inches long. I can't do any impact exercises, i can't walk (well not much, on 1 crutch at the mo) I'm 6 months post op, and unfortunately had x-rays again yesterday which showed the bone still hasn't fully healed. Plates are to come out in another 6 mths time hopefully, and then the surgeon said the Leg would feel a lot less stiff and hard to move.

I've actually been through all this before on the Left side, with an addition of having a 2inch gap in the Femur which the bone had to grow into, and at the same time had the Left side of the Pelvis broke in 3 places and screwed back together. That was now 2.5yrs ago, plates and screws all removed, and Leg is amazing.

Point to to this story is, YOU can workout, small little and often, Use the Wii board, Re calibrate the Mii to be 100+ yrs old and weighs around 3lbs so this makes your board super sensitive, and you can move the Mii with just a TOE touch. It all works the tendons and muscles inside the leg WAY more than you give it credit for, thus ensuring a stronger more inlined persona dn posture.

DONT GIVE UP:wink::wink: