How intense the exercise before we log it?

Hey everyone,

I saw a posting for a calorie burn that said 'Sitting, 5 hours. 400 calories burned''. I kid you not. I thought we were supposed to eat back our calories from strenuous activities. So if I don't work out that day, I only eat 1350 cals. I thought that sitting and other everyday activities was already included in our TDEE...

Am I right or wrong?


  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I don't log any walk less than one mile...

    I don't log any bike ride less than two miles....

    that being said... if I walk 1/2 mile somewhere sit there and walk 1/2 mile back then I count that as one mile...

    my goal is more for miles than calories though (I aim for 100/month)... your ymmv...
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    I logged my office work, not because I consider it a workout, but because even while sitting I burn calories. Believe me, people comment all the time about my logging my work hours. If I eat my recommended amount of food, two things happen. One, I see no results (plateau). And second, I'm hungry ALL of the time. I have found if I add my work hours, I am satisfied and the pounds come off. I still work out six days a week, and they are high intensity workouts. I also walk my dogs two miles regularly as well. Please do not judge it until you find out the reasoning behind it. :drinker:
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I do have a "workout" saved called "work" and I count it for 300 cals... but that is because I am a nurse and I work night shift and when I work I run all night long and I am STARVING... so I add work so I can eat a little more... but also because I work more
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I saw a posting for a calorie burn that said 'Sitting, 5 hours. 400 calories burned''. I kid you not. I thought we were supposed to eat back our calories from strenuous activities. So if I don't work out that day, I only eat 1350 cals. I thought that sitting and other everyday activities was already included in our TDEE...

    Am I right or wrong?

    PMSL ridiculous for sure!!

    When anybody logs "sitting" as exercise and then eats back those calories, I would wager why they wondered they could not shift their excess weight.

    Personally, I only count activity I actually set out to do as exercise, including when I cycle to and from work (40 mins worth) - because I do have a car but cycle for the exercise itself some days.
  • chubbster17
    chubbster17 Posts: 31
    I thought that working, however active it is, was counted in your activity levels when you enter your details at the beginning? It's like some people log sleeping, and that's already included in your calorie requirements. Exercise should be what you do extra to work etc. In my opinion. :tongue:
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I saw a posting for a calorie burn that said 'Sitting, 5 hours. 400 calories burned''. I kid you not. I thought we were supposed to eat back our calories from strenuous activities. So if I don't work out that day, I only eat 1350 cals. I thought that sitting and other everyday activities was already included in our TDEE...

    Am I right or wrong?

    PMSL ridiculous for sure!!

    When anybody logs "sitting" as exercise and then eats back those calories, I would wager why they wondered they could not shift their excess weight.

    Personally, I only count activity I actually set out to do as exercise, including when I cycle to and from work (40 mins worth) - because I do have a car but cycle for the exercise itself some days.

    I strongly believe that the post in questioning is mine. First I would like to state that I'm offended that anyone would judge what I log. I would not comment about anything I disagree with. Mind your own business, and keep your comments to yourself. My weight shift didn't take place until I did start logging extras to break my plateau. I work out regularly and I'm a very strong individual. What happened to a support system here? Jessum.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    MFP asks about your daily activities and calculates your calorie allowance to include the regular things you do at home or work, so it is valid to include anything that isn't already included here. I would think that most people would not need to add sitting though, but maybe they aren't using MFP to calculate their cals for them.

    Really though, I don't care what someone else has logged - if they have found a system that works for them that's great, I'm not going to waste my time or energy being critical of someone else's choices.
  • EmilyDuby
    EmilyDuby Posts: 67
    When I first started and I was focusing on getting moving in every aspect of life I would put folding laundry on my exercise. But that is because previously I wouldn't do it much at all and just focusing on being more active even around the house I was trying to do more chores and whatnot around the house. Logging it as exercise and getting 100 extra cals or so as a result was motivating for me. Now that I'm further along and am used to doing those things I leave them out since they are not extra anymore, they are just part of my everyday life. Now I just log workouts at the gym and if I go for a long walk for some reason (like on the trails at the state parks) I'll add that too. Hubby and I went there and walked for 2 1/2 hours last weekend, we did it for fun, not exercise but I definitely felt it deserved to be logged!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I logged my office work, not because I consider it a workout, but because even while sitting I burn calories. Believe me, people comment all the time about my logging my work hours. If I eat my recommended amount of food, two things happen. One, I see no results (plateau). And second, I'm hungry ALL of the time. I have found if I add my work hours, I am satisfied and the pounds come off. I still work out six days a week, and they are high intensity workouts. I also walk my dogs two miles regularly as well. Please do not judge it until you find out the reasoning behind it. :drinker:

    So you up your calorie goal to lightly active or active to account for the work calories.. and that should hopefully fix your problem. Logging sitting really is silly, in my opinion and can easily be fixed by the option I provided.

    To OP:
    I only count purposeful exercise in my logs(IE going to the gym or going on a walk outside around a lake near by). I don't count things like walking around a shopping mall, cleaning, or work because I have those covered under my calorie goal which I put as lightly active.
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    I log walking outside using my pedometer app and workouts.
  • scssam
    scssam Posts: 23 Member
    I do not include anything I do that got me fat to begin with. I assume they MFP included those activities when it ask you your activity level.

    I don't log:

    walking the dog.
    clean house
    getting the mail
    dreaming I was exercising
    Walking to the Buffet line etc.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I try to log everything, including walking to the bus stop, on the basis that what really affects my weight is those little things. That said, I try to underestimate my exercise and overestimate my calories in an effort to remain honest.
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    I do not include anything I do that got me fat to begin with. I assume they MFP included those activities when it ask you your activity level.

    I don't log:

    walking the dog.
    clean house
    getting the mail
    dreaming I was exercising
    Walking to the Buffet line etc.

    I've lost more weight with this job, sitting at a desk, than I did in college studying health and fitness. Figure that out.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    'WE' are not the Borg. Think for yourself. Log your exercise as you see fit and let the results speak for themselves and nevermind what other people log. :noway:
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    I logged my office work, not because I consider it a workout, but because even while sitting I burn calories. Believe me, people comment all the time about my logging my work hours. If I eat my recommended amount of food, two things happen. One, I see no results (plateau). And second, I'm hungry ALL of the time. I have found if I add my work hours, I am satisfied and the pounds come off. I still work out six days a week, and they are high intensity workouts. I also walk my dogs two miles regularly as well. Please do not judge it until you find out the reasoning behind it. :drinker:

    I don't think she was judging, but rather, trying to understand how things work.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    You can always adjust your activity level up on MFP, and avoid issues like this one :smile:
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    I logged my office work, not because I consider it a workout, but because even while sitting I burn calories. Believe me, people comment all the time about my logging my work hours. If I eat my recommended amount of food, two things happen. One, I see no results (plateau). And second, I'm hungry ALL of the time. I have found if I add my work hours, I am satisfied and the pounds come off. I still work out six days a week, and they are high intensity workouts. I also walk my dogs two miles regularly as well. Please do not judge it until you find out the reasoning behind it. :drinker:

    I don't think she was judging, but rather, trying to understand how things work.

    No, she was judging: "I saw a posting for a calorie burn that said 'Sitting, 5 hours. 400 calories burned''. I kid you not. I thought we were supposed to eat back our calories from strenuous activities."

    When you're not judging you write, "Do I log 'sitting' as an activity - 5 hours, 400 calories burned? Does that sound right?"

    OP is deservedly getting pulled up for her post. This is a support site first and foremost and it's not on. People would achieve better results themselves if they could just focus on their own goals and keep their cherries out of other people's affairs. When people want advice, they'll ask for it. Really.
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    'WE' are not the Borg. Think for yourself. Log your exercise as you see fit and let the results speak for themselves and nevermind what other people log. :noway:

    Thank you. MFP is supposed to be a support system. Therefore, not meant to attack nor pay attention to what others are doing.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    As long as you're eating between BMR and TDEE you will lose weight. MFP's estimates aren't necessarily accurate, and you might have to make adjustments to get it right. Personally, I found the default settings a bit low, and my workouts suffered until I upped my calories.

    As for how you log or which activities you choose to log, the trick is finding what works for you (yes, even if that means logging office work).
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    I logged my office work, not because I consider it a workout, but because even while sitting I burn calories. Believe me, people comment all the time about my logging my work hours. If I eat my recommended amount of food, two things happen. One, I see no results (plateau). And second, I'm hungry ALL of the time. I have found if I add my work hours, I am satisfied and the pounds come off. I still work out six days a week, and they are high intensity workouts. I also walk my dogs two miles regularly as well. Please do not judge it until you find out the reasoning behind it. :drinker:


    I'm not judging it, I'm questioning it. I thought that everyday movements were included in BMR (I mistakenly said TDEE in my original post). Please don't be offended. I was just surprised to see people logging sitting.