When is the best time for a weigh in?

Hi, i dont know if this topic has been covered before so apologies if it has, but i was wondering when should i weigh in? Every day? Every week? morning? Evening? or doesnt it matter?

I only started on Monday and so far i have been below my calorie intake every day, once the calories i have burnt through exercise has added back on i am always below and am struggling to fill my quota. If im honest im quote nervous about getting on the scales and seeing if its working so dont want to dishearten myself by weighing myself too early!

Any advice would be appreciated

thanks guys


  • You should weigh yourself once a week in the morning.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I weigh and measure once a week as soon as I wake up on Sunday mornings.
  • Kmdforsythe
    Kmdforsythe Posts: 30 Member
    Most people weigh themselves in the morning, but people's bodies differ and not everyone is at their lightest in the morning. The important thing is to be consistent with the time of day that you weigh yourself.
  • Toyya
    Toyya Posts: 25 Member
    Well first thing is first pick a day of the week and stick to that day. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning on that day every week and log it (even if its bad). I would say if you started on Monday and you like Monday, weigh yourself this Monday. If you keep hiding from the scale you will delay knowing if it is or isn't working for you. I also want to point out that the guided calories that MFP gives you are REALLY low. I just choose a good range of calories and macros (based on my RMR), and then stick to that, but in exchange I also don't count my workouts. So do whichever works best for you!

    Good luck!
  • TammyW18
    TammyW18 Posts: 244 Member
    I measure monthly, weigh daily (habit I am trying to break!) always first thing in the morning.
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    I would say your first day of work, in the morning before you eat or drink anything but after you go to the bathroom. I would make sure I was naked to get an accurate weight. I tend to weigh myself twice a week because I work 3 on 3 off, so I weigh myself on my 1st day of work and I also tape myself too because sometimes the weight is there but your body size has shrunk. Good luck!!!
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    the point is consistancy... if you want to weigh in the morning then weigh in the morning... then don't freak out if you weigh mid afternoon and find that you gained...

    when you weigh... weigh at the same time...

    I personally weigh every day... but only sunday is "official" and that is the weight I go by...
  • Norsegodess
    Norsegodess Posts: 30
    I weigh in every monday morning after i have got up but not dressed then its done and forgotten about
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    yeah... what they all said :wink: also, if you've just started exercising, don't be surprised (or discouraged) if your weight has actually even gone up a lb or 2. muscle weighs more than fat, so as you gain muscle, you may go up every now and then. measurements are definitely a more accurate way to check your progress.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    I read a long time ago the best time to weigh yourself is in the morning when you have an empty stomach. And to go to the bathroom before, and if you can have a bowel movement that would be even better for the most accurate weight. lol. And that's what I've done ever since, once a week. Oh, and do it naked. Hope that helps :).
  • zuchy
    zuchy Posts: 40 Member
    Always first thing in the morning, after you peed and possibly after number two, before drinking or eating anything. And always naked, I never get those weight loss tv shows where they do their weigh ins fully dressed, they don't even take their shoes off!!

    I do it every day so I can catch a possible negative trend sooner than after a whole week. But you can choose a day of the week and stick to it.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    I weigh every morning after working out. Thursday is my official weigh in. BTW muscle does not weigh more than fat - a pound is a pound. Muscle is denser than fat so you become leaner as you loss fat and gain muscle. Muscle also needs time to repair itself after it has been used; to do this it needs water which is part of why you may weigh more after beginning to exercise.
  • hanneberries
    hanneberries Posts: 119 Member
    I've decided to weigh myself twice a week, Sunday, which is when I'll be updating MFP, but also on Wednesday/Thursday, to see how I'm doing. Making sure I'm on the right track, and all. I weighed myself this morning, and saw I had lost. And so I went on a long bike ride, since clearly what I've been doing has been working, and it's been very encouraging that way.

    I also will always way myself in the morning, right after I've gone to the bathroom. And always in my undaroos.
  • SuperSneaky
    SuperSneaky Posts: 43
    How is that illogical myth that muscle weighs more than fat still going around? A pound of golfballs and a pound of feathers still weigh the same... =]

    I tend to weigh after around 3pm on Wednesday, I "you know what" like clockwork at 3ish! Hah.
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    I weigh in on Wednesday morning. Just once a week. This means that if I feel I need to compensate for any treats at the weekend, I have two days to do it. Probably things don't work that fast, but it pyschologically works for me. I do intend to weigh more often as I near my goal weight, because I am definitely not going to gain it back after this work and can't take my eye off the ball!
  • leannerob1984
    leannerob1984 Posts: 28 Member
    Im resisting getting on the scales too soon - im so tempted to check but know its only been two days so wont have made any difference lol!
    I was going to weight myself on Monday as that would be exactly a week and intended to keep to that pattern. But as AprilOneFour pointed out maybe weighing myself just after the weekend isnt such a good idea!

    Just have to keep telling myself to be positive, if i havent lost anything then not to be discouraged, just keep at it - my problem is that when i feel discouraged or down i comfort eat :-(