looking for UK Friends

Basically would like some friends that are in the UK so ican recognise foods that you wat and get help from you also like some firends that are in the same time as me... sorry for any spellung mistakes im on my phone thanks all feel free to add or comment and i will add you


  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    Hey Holly,

    Will add you now. I'm in Wales and like you said, is nice to be able to recognise foods and to be in same timezone as well!

    Lottie x
  • nickyjl81
    nickyjl81 Posts: 66
    I'm in Somerset, will add you now :)
  • Zoeeee_xx
    Zoeeee_xx Posts: 112 Member
    Im from N.E Lincolnshire, will add you! :)