Stomping on the Treadmill



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Second the above suggestion. Flat treadmills don't simulate real running that well. When you're really running, your centre of gravity is further forwards, putting more weight on the balls of your feet when you come down. Incline the treadmill up to about 13% and you'll better simulate running on flat ground.
    huh? 13% if far from seeming like flat ground.

    Maybe 3%? 13% is like climbing a super steep hill on a treadmill, most of them only go up to 15%...I have to hold on to the railings just to walk up an incline that steep!

    Yes. i would not recommend trying to run on your treadmill at 13%. This must have been a mistake.
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
    My problem is watching tv and running on the treadmill at the same time.. sometimes I start leaning to my left and every now then I almost fall off..

    Try running on your toes instead ,maybe?!?!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Second the above suggestion. Flat treadmills don't simulate real running that well. When you're really running, your centre of gravity is further forwards, putting more weight on the balls of your feet when you come down. Incline the treadmill up to about 13% and you'll better simulate running on flat ground.

    Biggest reason for this is that the treadmill is pushing you, not the other way around. By increasing the incline, you then are setting the push in the same manner that you would when road-running. If you are a toe-striker, that shouldn't be an issue. If you are a heel-striker, then it could be awkward for a while.
  • kleverkira
    kleverkira Posts: 41 Member
    The treadmill might be causing you to over-stride a little, leading to the stomping feeling. Try to keep your turnover as close to 180 as you can, meaning your feet should hit close to 3 times per second. This will tighten up your form and keep your feet under you. It will also help with the running "lighter" as someone else mentioned.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I'm more of a midfoot and forefront striker, so I don't necessarily feel like I'm "stomping", but I do feel like my feet are much heavier on treadmills, probably because I don't feel like I'm doing much "pushing"; the treadmill feels more like it's pushing me rather than the other way around. You can play with the incline a bit, maybe increase it, but if you're used to running on ground, I think it's always going to feel a bit "off" when you switch to the machine, because it's not the same motion at all.

    I only hit the treadmill when it's raining or I absolutely HAVE to; I actually prefer to run to the gym, do weights, if I want, and then run back, haha.
  • huh? 13% if far from seeming like flat ground.

    But you're also not moving forward on a treadmill. A grade on a treadmill more properly simulates running, because you have to lean forward more and use more effort. Flat treadmill running isn't nearly as strenuous as level outdoor running. You can just hop up and down on a treadmill and the miles roll under you.

    And yes, I meant 3.. Derp.

    Also, most treadmills can simulate hills, cycling from 1-5%. Thats a good way to simulate outdoor running, with changing grade, and you can find out if you stomp less at higher grades. I find a flat (0%) treadmill feels like running downhill, and I have to carefully monitor my form to keep from hyperextending and stomping.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    The treadmill should be set at 1% incline to replicate outside....not 13%

    There are a lot of stompers in the gym running...don't worry about it...
  • CoachRobCampbell
    CoachRobCampbell Posts: 5 Member
    have a member of my gym who runs completely on the balls of his feet right up close to the hand rails and it sounds like an elephant is on the treadmill. He's only about 160 maybe and he actually looks like he's running lightly...not sure what the problem is. It drives me nuts though since he comes in during the slowest time of the day and no one else comes close to his noise level...sounds like he's going to stomp a hole in the treadmill. Any insight?
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    I didnt know I was a stomper until I forgot my earbuds. After 5 minutes of WTF??!! I figured out the noise was me.... OH THE SHAME! Eventually went from a heel to mid-foot striker. No more hippo!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Pretty sure everyone on the treadmill is stomping like elephants.. I wouldn't worry too much about the sound, more on your running form IF there is anything wrong with it. Everyone sounds like loud elephants when they run on those things..