I was bad but then good.

jacmiley Posts: 202 Member
It is official I can't have treats in the house.
I ate the whole box of chex mix chocolate chunk bars. That is 6.
I was good all day but then I had one then another ... and you see where this story goes. Instead of of accepting my defeat for the day. I decided to go to the gym and try to burn off as many of those excess calories I just devoured.
In the end - I have 14 calories to spare now :tongue:

Plus, for the first time ever I broke the 18 minutes mile. I ran walked it in 17 minutes and 31 seconds. Which, doesn't sound too amazing but for me. I'm happy. Especially at the end of the mile. After my initial 5 minute warmup, I would run a minute and walk one and a half minutes. Well my last running set I pushed myself to run a full minute and a half. I'm proud of myself. Granted I told the bf about my small victory and he just focused on those 6 chocolate chunk bars. :laugh:


  • hushmonkey1234
    You know what we all have bad days but it sounds like you did good at working it off! WTG on being under 18 mins for your mile. It is amazing and I am still trying to get there. It sounds like a good idea to run for a min, and then walk, maybe I will try that!
    Dont feel bad about one bad day, I just spent a week at the beach and was horrible!!!!! Lucky I seemed to have maintained but am so ready to get back on track!
    Keep up the good work!
  • ldbenincasa
    I will focus on the running...I am so proud of you! I started running a year and a half ago. I did an eight week program that was meant to take you from couch potato to a 5K (3.1 miles) race in 8 weeks. It worked, but then I took the winter (about 6 months) off. I started running again last spring and ran through the fall, doing 5Ks and one 10K. Again I took the winter off, but I have been running this year since March and in addition to many 5K and 10Ks I have been running this year, I am planning on doing a half marathon in November. My point...each time I have started running (3 times) I have started with that couch potato program. That program starts exactly as you are, running a minute, walking a minute, and building up. Before you know it, you will be running 3 and walking 1, and gradually continuing to build. Congratulations on your improvement and determination! And on being motivated to go work off those Chex Mix Bars rather than throwing in the towel on a bad day!!
  • jacmiley
    jacmiley Posts: 202 Member
    Thats funny ... I'm actually training to be in a 5K.

    I was frustrated waiting for a phone call about a job I interviewed for and in the process of waiting I was getting ticked that I had absolutely no control. I decided to train for a 5k. I have control of what I do with that.

    I didn't get the job. Which even makes me more determined to compete in a 5k - I control it.
  • elizabeth125
    Nice Job on getting to the gym!!! I had a bad day too. I've been a bit depressed about a lot of different things and I tend to take it out on my goals. So today... It was a whole package of grasshopper cookies. That's right the whole thing. 1500 calories to be exact. I'm going to working those calories off for a week. I am active though. I bike and run nearly every day except when I can't drag myself out of bed, like this morning. So here's to us and a better day tomarrow. (and staying on track!!)
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Wow! Way to kick those Chex Mix bars in the butt! I would have gotten depressed and tried harder the next day, but going to the gym is really owning your situation and controling it! Awsome job!:flowerforyou:
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