Exercise videos

Which one do you think is the best and why???


  • frogg2allegra
    I do the Firm.
    The Ultimate Fat Burning workout-5/6 times a week:
    a. 40 minutes--Long enough but not too much
    b. uses weights as well as regular cardio
    c. fun-I love the kickboxing part at the end
    d Challenging-- I still find moves that I can make better and stronger after using for 3 weeks
    e. Results: I feel stronger and I've lost 2.6,2.6,2.4 pounds the last three weeks

    Dangerous Curves ahead-1/2 times a week
    a. Have several options-cardio, strength, combo
    b. uses weights and band-although the band is definately not the best
    c. familiar moves from the other DVD but has enough different parts to keep me interested
    d. I use it mostly so, I won't get bored with the Ultimate fat burning one
    it is a good sweat though and you are a lot smaller than I so the skiing part that kills my knees might be great for you