Summer Holiday Boozing - Advice Please!!!



  • mrsmorgan805
    mrsmorgan805 Posts: 10 Member
    I am the same way. I really enjoy drinking but I love beer. Which is my problem beer is soooo bad for you. There are the Skinny Girl brand of Margaritas and other drinks that come with the alcohol in them. Also in a book I have read called Clean and Lean Diet by James Duigan they recommend NO creates cellulite BUT if you have to drink do Vodka, mineral water with a squeeze of lemon or lime. Or a Gin and tonic with lime. I don't like the taste of just vodka but these I am going to try and see if they are good.
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    I am the same way. I really enjoy drinking but I love beer. Which is my problem beer is soooo bad for you. There are the Skinny Girl brand of Margaritas and other drinks that come with the alcohol in them. Also in a book I have read called Clean and Lean Diet by James Duigan they recommend NO creates cellulite BUT if you have to drink do Vodka, mineral water with a squeeze of lemon or lime. Or a Gin and tonic with lime. I don't like the taste of just vodka but these I am going to try and see if they are good.

    OMG!!! It creates cellulite? Is that why I look like a bowl of cottage cheese?? Wow!! That's some good info to know. Eww.. Now I don't know if I wanna drink anymore.
  • AnnaYESiCANdoIT
    AnnaYESiCANdoIT Posts: 86 Member
    svedka vodka and any flavor crystal light is my FAVE! mix a drink or straight shots with a chaser :)
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    also pineapple coconut water, with a shot of mailbu is tastey, add some stevia or a bit of crystal lite

    Where do you get pineapple coconut water?? How many calories? I've never heard of it.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Sooo...I am the type of girl who absolutely loves my alcohol and parties, camping and summer are a great way to over indulge. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for drinking more responsibly (as far as calories) go. I hate beer, so that's never an option.

    I have a much harder time saying no to alcohol, than I do saying no to food. I know I'm weird!! And I am a mixed drink and wine lover - I HATE BEER!!!


    I indulge!! stay away from sugar sodas and juices and you dont drink beer so that's good. IT's summer have fun with it. get some vodka and diet tonice and mix over ice -- put some cucumbers in it to keep it fresh and you can put mint leaves in their too. Make a nice white sangria if you dare. Tons of fruit , white wine, apricot brandy, diet sprite, splash of OJ 50 :)
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I am the same way. I really enjoy drinking but I love beer. Which is my problem beer is soooo bad for you. There are the Skinny Girl brand of Margaritas and other drinks that come with the alcohol in them. Also in a book I have read called Clean and Lean Diet by James Duigan they recommend NO creates cellulite BUT if you have to drink do Vodka, mineral water with a squeeze of lemon or lime. Or a Gin and tonic with lime. I don't like the taste of just vodka but these I am going to try and see if they are good.

    Alcohol creates cellulite in extreme situations when the liver is compromised. Let's not be extreme here.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    just some food for thought...I've done the math before...

    if you're trying to drink and get drunk (why not right?) the low cal beers have less alchohol in them, so you're drinking more beers to get the same amount of alcohol that is in, say, a Miller Lite. So you end up drinking more bottles of the low cal beer to get the same amount of alcohol that is in a regular lite beer...and I think the calories end up being equal or higher. So why not just drink the lite beer??? Less liquid same calories.
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    Sooo...I am the type of girl who absolutely loves my alcohol and parties, camping and summer are a great way to over indulge. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for drinking more responsibly (as far as calories) go. I hate beer, so that's never an option.

    I have a much harder time saying no to alcohol, than I do saying no to food. I know I'm weird!! And I am a mixed drink and wine lover - I HATE BEER!!!


    I indulge!! stay away from sugar sodas and juices and you dont drink beer so that's good. IT's summer have fun with it. get some vodka and diet tonice and mix over ice -- put some cucumbers in it to keep it fresh and you can put mint leaves in their too. Make a nice white sangria if you dare. Tons of fruit , white wine, apricot brandy, diet sprite, splash of OJ 50 :)

    I am the queen of Sangria, but I usually make it with the Red (Rijunite Lambrusco) base. White could be yummy I'm sure.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    Stick to hard alcohol and low cal mixers--club soda and lime/lemon juice with vodka, diet Coke with Jack. Gin and tonic is actually good too--use diet tonic water. Or I bet you could make a mean hard lemonade with some bourbon and lemonade flavored Crystal Light. Or just go old school and get a martini or tequila on the rocks with a wedge of lime. The calories in a margarita or a fancy cocktail are all from the sugar--not the booze.

    Wine is also a good choice--I think red might be a little better than white, but either is much, much better than beer or cider, for example.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Try any alcohol with a diet soda, it is low in calories but use moderation.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I would try alternating your drinks between alcohol and non. For example, you have a vodka diets soda, the the next time you fill your glass put only the diet soda. Your friends/family will still beleave your drinking as much as before, but your really only having half :) when I first stopped drinking I did not tell my friends. When we went to a bar I would go up to the bar and discreetly order a diet coke and ask them to put it in a drink glass for me (what's also cool is this particular bar didnt charge for sodas so no tab!! Or it could be because I always tipped him for the soda to make it look like I was getting a drink) if my friends ask "hey man, what are you drinking?" I would simply reply "jack and coke" and bam, not getting crap from the guys for not drinking and still able to drive home without looking over my shoulder lol.
  • mrsmorgan805
    mrsmorgan805 Posts: 10 Member
    I am the same way. I really enjoy drinking but I love beer. Which is my problem beer is soooo bad for you. There are the Skinny Girl brand of Margaritas and other drinks that come with the alcohol in them. Also in a book I have read called Clean and Lean Diet by James Duigan they recommend NO creates cellulite BUT if you have to drink do Vodka, mineral water with a squeeze of lemon or lime. Or a Gin and tonic with lime. I don't like the taste of just vodka but these I am going to try and see if they are good.

    Alcohol creates cellulite in extreme situations when the liver is compromised. Let's not be extreme here.

    Alcohol in general makes your body store fat, it stresses your liver so it can't metabolize calories properly, so instead of your liver, which is a fat burning organ, being able to metabolize the calories you've consumed during the day it is trying to process the alcohol, and it will eventually make your face look old and wrinkled because of all of the sugar it contains. And regularly drinking alcohol is a major contributor to cellulite.
    I am in no way saying don't drink, like I said I love to drink and I too believe beer is the nectar of the Gods. I am just saying that its bad for you. As is pretty much everything. I am going to the river in two weeks and I will be drinking a LOT!
    But I have this week to try not to and then splurge, then work my *kitten* off again!
  • mellisowik
    mellisowik Posts: 31
    Good Rule to follow i always think is with each drink that you feel you need to consume have a big glass of water with lemon or just water... Not only will the water fill you up but hopefully you wont absorb as much of the sugars..... Also drink hard liquor with either diet or water is the best option.... Did i mention im a blender drink girl... there is no good way to drink and behave... For sure on a hot or tropical holiday... Sooooooo Guess weigh your options and see what flavours your drawn to.... :) Enjoy your happy hours.... :drinker:
  • TGKvr
    TGKvr Posts: 123 Member
    I'd say some good ole fashioned white lightening is in order. :)
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    HERE YOU GO --

    All your questions answered. And all your answers questioned.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I am the same way. I really enjoy drinking but I love beer. Which is my problem beer is soooo bad for you. There are the Skinny Girl brand of Margaritas and other drinks that come with the alcohol in them. Also in a book I have read called Clean and Lean Diet by James Duigan they recommend NO creates cellulite BUT if you have to drink do Vodka, mineral water with a squeeze of lemon or lime. Or a Gin and tonic with lime. I don't like the taste of just vodka but these I am going to try and see if they are good.

    Alcohol creates cellulite in extreme situations when the liver is compromised. Let's not be extreme here.

    Alcohol in general makes your body store fat, it stresses your liver so it can't metabolize calories properly, so instead of your liver, which is a fat burning organ, being able to metabolize the calories you've consumed during the day it is trying to process the alcohol, and it will eventually make your face look old and wrinkled because of all of the sugar it contains. And regularly drinking alcohol is a major contributor to cellulite.
    I am in no way saying don't drink, like I said I love to drink and I too believe beer is the nectar of the Gods. I am just saying that its bad for you. As is pretty much everything. I am going to the river in two weeks and I will be drinking a LOT!
    But I have this week to try not to and then splurge, then work my *kitten* off again!

    Huh. I guess I must be sleep - chugging. Because I have lots and lots of cellulite, and have never been a drinker. Maybe in my whole life I had about 1,000 drinks total. And I am middle aged. But I have the back-end of a 70-yr old who loves schnapps!
  • mrsmorgan805
    mrsmorgan805 Posts: 10 Member
    ^^^^haha! Caffeine makes cellulite worse too. Other things cause cellulite too of course but I just pulled out the alcohol stuff.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Sooo...I am the type of girl who absolutely loves my alcohol and parties, camping and summer are a great way to over indulge. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for drinking more responsibly (as far as calories) go. I hate beer, so that's never an option.

    I have a much harder time saying no to alcohol, than I do saying no to food. I know I'm weird!! And I am a mixed drink and wine lover - I HATE BEER!!!


    I indulge!! stay away from sugar sodas and juices and you dont drink beer so that's good. IT's summer have fun with it. get some vodka and diet tonice and mix over ice -- put some cucumbers in it to keep it fresh and you can put mint leaves in their too. Make a nice white sangria if you dare. Tons of fruit , white wine, apricot brandy, diet sprite, splash of OJ 50 :)

    I am the queen of Sangria, but I usually make it with the Red (Rijunite Lambrusco) base. White could be yummy I'm sure.

    haha I got with white in the summer as it is lighter to drink :) This is what years of bartending has done for me -- i make my drinks per season haha
  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 294 Member
    Crystal light has some new flavors: Mojito and Margarita - that with a little vodka - and alternate 'adult' beverages with the mixer only and it'll slow your roll. Also while you're on the lake or beach and in the water - instead of just floating, actively dogpaddle around - tread water. You'll burn the calories. My biggest challenge is not the booze - but the massive MUNCHIES that come at night from being out in the open sun all day on the water. My answer to that will be to keep protein-y foods (like cubed up grilled chicken and cheese sticks) handy for snacks.

    Good luck! I'm a summer girl all the way. :)
  • mrsmorgan805
    mrsmorgan805 Posts: 10 Member
    ^^^^the dog paddling and treading water while at the river or lake is a fantastic idea. Thank you ;)