I can't lift

lisasch67 Posts: 135 Member
I don't mean that literally. I have been trying to add lifting to my workout schedule, but my issue is this... I cannot grasp straight lifting. I just cannot concentrate on it for more than like 15 minutes. I get so bored and totally space out. I forget how many reps I did or how many times I did them. I feel like I rest too long or too little between reps. I have tried writing things down and tracking things in my phone, but it's just kind of a lost cause on me. Plus there are a billion machines at the gym and I never know what's best. I guess I lack the discipline for it or something. It's just funny because, I can run for miles, but sitting on a machine trying to lift drives me nuts. Does anyone else feel this way?

So my question is this, I have the Nike Training Club app and have been doing the "Get Strong" routines I also have some other apps like Daily Arms and Daily Abs... These work great for me, someone telling me what to do, when to do it, and videos to help me with form. Does anyone know if I am getting the same or similar benefits from just straight lifting as I am with these apps? I am just curious. I am not scared that I'll 'bulk up' or anything like that, I really, really want to get stronger because I am so weak right now, so I am hoping the NTC app will help with that.

Also if there are any good apps for logging or tracking that you can use with machines, please feel free to leave suggestions.



  • Loseweight1980
    Using body weight is always great, you don't need to use a hundred different machines, you can simply do a circuit at home or outside. Using a timer on your phone or something like that is good. Mixing things up is the best way to keep from getting bored.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I don't mean that literally. I have been trying to add lifting to my workout schedule in hopes of tearing through the last 12 pounds I have left to my goal, but also to tone. Despite my weight loss, things are still pretty jiggly. So my issues this... I cannot lift. I just cannot concentrate on it for more than a few machines and I get so bored and overwhelmed with the amount of machines there are. I totally space out and forget how many reps I did or how many times I did them. I feel like I rest too long or too little between reps.

    I lose track too, which is a pain in the neck because I often do five sets of five reps. Sometimes I use a counter and I click the sets. As for rest between sets, sometimes I use my Gymboss interval timer. Given the nature of my workout, I don't really need long rest periods, but sometimes I daydream.
  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    Machines isolate muscles, try using dumbbells and a barbell they both engage a lot more muscle when you are using them. I always hated the machines. If you like reading and want a program that tells you everything to do New Rules of LIfting for women is a great book. I just started the program recently and they are realatively quick so you dont get bored because it is so long. Tells you how long to rest and everything. Just a thought. Good luck!
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    With or without the app you're still lifting. If it keeps you focused keep using it. I don't use apps bc my phone is a pain but I have a notebook with my routine in it. I just cross sets off as I go through them. If I fail on a set, I write it down. Use whatever is easiest for you.

    Eta: I want to second the free weights idea.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I see your problem: Machines. Grab a pair of dumbbells instead.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I have been taking a class with a trainer at my gym. I do have to pay extra...but I don't currently have the discipline or knowledge to do this stuff on my own. Plus, he mixes up the workouts every time so it's interesting, my body doesn't adapt. It's also social because I can whine with my friends who also take the class.

    I'd look into that.
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    It's boring for me as well. I tend to do workout videos that use hand weights. Turbo Jam has an excellent "sculpting" video :-) I also try listening to my own music, the kind that really pumps you up.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I see your problem: Machines. Grab a pair of dumbbells instead.


    Or a barbell. Compound and freeweight exercises require more concentration than machines.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    What was your old routine like?

    I love lifting but if all my lifting consisted of sitting on machine (especially if I was doing higher reps, not sure if you are) I'd be bored too! Get me on some free weights though, big compound lifts and lower reps (4-8 reps) seeing improvements regularly and I F-in love it!! I don't want to leave!

    If you like the structure of knowing what you have to do I'd suggest a programme to follow. I know they don't have videos (I don't think) but they have set routines, and there's plenty of help online for form and such - if you're really unsure, a PT for a few sessions may help?
    Lifting programmes I've heard great things about:
    - New rules of lifting for women
    - Stronglists 5x5
    - Starting strength
  • lisasch67
    lisasch67 Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks for all the advice!! I can't really afford a trainer, but I looked into it and my gym offers a free PT assessment every 3 months so I am going to do that to help with figuring out some good free weight work outs. I've also heard about "New rules of lifting for women" and am definitely gonna check it out. I just need variety when it comes to lifting... I dunno why running is so zen for me, but lifting is so scary, but thanks for all the tips and advice!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I had the same issue with counting reps and boredom when I started. I got into a habit of keeping a workout notebook. I write everything down as I'm working out now.
  • stronglikebull
    Lifting programmes I've heard great things about:
    - New rules of lifting for women
    - Stronglists 5x5
    - Starting strength

    yes yes yes. stronglifts has a whole e-book and a ton of videos that demonstrate form and technique. and the creator of the site made up a spreadsheet that tells you exactly what you need to do every time you lift for 12 weeks. it's super easy and super awesome.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I just started Stronglifts 5x5 last week, though I have lifted in the past, but I find that it is simple, straightforward and easy to keep track of. I love lifting, though, because it is hard to get bored when you are really focusing on your form and what your muscles are supposed to be doing and how heavy the weight is.

    There is a group on here for women doing SL: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/4601-stronglifts-5x5-for-women and if you read the sticky, Tameko2 does a great job of of summing up the program! Good luck!