weight loss failure?? giving up

i weight 133. 22 yrs old. 5'3

i started this month at 135.

i lost TWO pounds thats it!

i eat only 1200-1300 calories!!!
to what USED To be 2000-3000!!

i havent eaten MCDONALDS in a MONTH!

i dont get why the scales havent changed at ALL!!!!!!!!

this is ridiculous. i may as well eat what i want and weight two lbs more!

and no, my pants dont feel looser.


  • ashleyjea1985
    i weight 133. 22 yrs old. 5'3

    i started this month at 135.

    i lost TWO pounds thats it!

    i eat only 1200-1300 calories!!!
    to what USED To be 2000-3000!!

    i havent eaten MCDONALDS in a MONTH!

    i dont get why the scales havent changed at ALL!!!!!!!!

    this is ridiculous. i may as well eat what i want and weight two lbs more!

    and no, my pants dont feel looser.
  • asmith1225
    :ohwell: Do not give up yet! Everyday is a new day! Keep at it and the next time you weigh yourself you could get the results you are looking for!!!
  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    do you exercise?
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I am so sorry. :frown:
    This has not been the best month for me too.
    In fact I gained a pound this week.
    But I feel better, healthier, and my skin looks great.
    I do wonder however if you ate too little.
    I am not a firm beliver in Diet.
    After all...
    DID* I* EAT* TODAY* spells diet.
    If you think that you can only eat salads for the rest of your life, THAT does not sound like a good idea to me at all. What kind of a life is THAT!
    SO, if you are going to eat what you want. Which I do in fact think you SHOULD, with in reason of course.
    Try adding more steps that you walk each day.
    IE park farther away, Take the stairs, Stuff like that.
    If you just want to go away from here. We will hate to see you go.:cry:
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    you're losing it in a healthy way... When you exercise you gain muscle... Muscle replaces the fat (It'll be harder to gain weight back this way) Muscle weighs more than fat. There will be a point were you think you are gaining weight and you're loosing inches instead of pounds... that's when you know it's working.

    I was an exercise bulimic (exercise off more calories than you consume) two years ago and i lost 15 pounds in two months.. I won't lie.. I looked great! But after a day at cedar point I passed out, rushed to the hospital, and had to be put on a high protien diet. Because I lost a lot of muscle (from loosing fat and not gaining muscle)My body didn't have anything to eat calories away, I gained 20 pounds in the same amount of time that i lost it.
    Now I am watching my calories and loosing pounds slowly and trying not to exercise too much. I'm loosing weight terribly slow too... but i know it's the healthy way.
  • badtzmaru7979
    its a lot harder to lose weight than it is to gain. yeah losing isnt the most fun in the world and it does take a long time. but just think why you started in the first place. once you reach your goal the hard work will have been worth it. try not to get frusterated. and by all means let yourself eat mcdonalds now and then. you dont have to totally deprive yourself of your favorite foods. that would just be silly. just try to keep it reason and have smaller portions. as long as you work the calories off you can eat it now and then. good luck!
  • nightangelstars
    nightangelstars Posts: 337 Member
    You are at exactly the same place that I am, except I'm a year younger. I know it's frustrating, I did that last year, but what happened to me was I didn't see any progress for a couple months and then the weight just fell off all at once, inside of a month. It's entirely possible that the same thing will happen to you, and I completely understand how you feel. Let yourself splurge a little bit here and there and it won't seem so bad, and just keep going - trust me you will feel great when you've gotten off those last pounds! Five pounds doesn't sound like a whole lot but it feels like a lot when you're only 5' 3"!

    Keep going, and good luck!
  • AndreaMMil
    why am i thinking that 1200 cals for someone of your height & weight is not enough. also, if you're very active and exercise a lot, you need way more than that. just a thought...
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Are you logging everything in? Did you know that unlogged bites, unlogged sauces, eyeballing portions (ie: is it 3oz or 4 oz, there's a big difference in calories) and guessing measurements (ie: is it 1 tablespoon or 2, theres a big difference) can add up to 400 cals a day and over a week thats the defecit to losing a pound. Do you overestimate what you burn exercising? Did you know that we grossly overestimate what we burn. A 120lb woman running at 5miles per hour (for an HOUR!!) only burns about 415 cals. I'm not sure we can say many of us run for a whole hour! With calorie counting, guessing can be sabatoge, buy some measuring spoons if you haven't, a cheap food scale from bed and bath and log everything in. If that is difficult leave a number of calories at the end of the day for "extras". Underestimate your cals burned through exersice if your numbers seem high because they probably are. Give yourself a couple splurge days, log in the cals but go over your amount guilt free, that can sometimes reboost the metabolism. Did you punch in that you are sedatary, lightly active or active person, that can make a difference in cals for the day, maybe you're not as active as you thought, try readjusting your goals. Change up your exersice, make it 20 percent harder or longer, if you tend to do the same cardio or wieghts all of the time do something different. Instead of wieghts do pilates, instead of biking do intervals of jacks, jump sqauts, jogging on spot, boxer skipping, pilometric jump exersices. Do you use all of the calories the program says to use? If it says 1200, if it says 1300, use it all. The end result is have you used more calories than you have brought in for the day? Sorry for the spelling.
  • krazykayzy
    krazykayzy Posts: 51 Member
    I looked up your BMR...it's 1426 cal/day. This is what your body burns if you were to lie in bed all day.
    So take that number and multiply it by the appropriate equation below and then subtract 500. (the equivalent of 1lb/week) This would be the amount of calories required for your body to lose weight.
    E.G. If you are sedentary 1426x1.2=1711 cal/day (to maintain your weight) then subtract 500=1211(to lose 1lb per week).

    If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

    My personal thoughts are that you should never go below your BMR (for me it's 1430) So I eat MINIMUM 1400 cal/day and then make sure I exercise to make up the difference. HOWEVER....this equation takes into account whether or not you have an active lifestyle, so I don't count my exercise calories I just make sure I exercise....period.

    You've already lost 2 lbs which means you've lost 1/2 a pound each week since you started. In reality that's not that bad. See how the next month goes and then I think you will have a better record to determine whether or not what you are doing is working.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Get your weight and healthy eatting habits in control now because in the blink of an eye you'll be 33 and have another 20+ lbs to loose (if you are lucky). Women don't loose weight like men, and no one who lives in the real world looses it like they do on television, it is going to have it's ups and downs and life is going to cut you off sometimes but you have taken the first step now complete the journey.

    You are probably not eatting enough food and/ or exercising enough. You do have to eat to loose weight and if you want to keep it off you have to get up and moving on a very regular basis, tell your body who is boss!

    Trust me, you want to do this now so you have a healthier, not a fatter, future!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I think you are focusing on the "losing weight" part a little bit too much and not enough on the "eating healthy" part. Don't you feel better about eating right and being nicer to your body? I hate to say it, but if you want McD's THAT bad then go if it will make you feel good emotionally. You can work it off with exercise. A lot of people on this site still go out to eat. My thoughts are, though, that after one month of no greasy fast food your body will let you know, physically, it doesn't like it and those veggies will be more appealing..Losing half a pound a week is still losing something. Focus on the positive.
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    Hey, you're the one who spent 2.5 hours one day on an elliptical, right?
    I think you wrote in a few days ago and we told you to eat more calories.
    Try it (and enjoy it!).
  • LokiMama
    I know I'm new here but definetly not new to dieting, it sounds like your body may be going into a starvation, survival mode type thing. I would re evaluate what calories you should be getting and not go below the minimum. The last time I had success (20lbs) I believe the plan advised to figure out my current calorie intake and instead of jumping right down to the minimum (or in my case the maximum:blushing: ) calorie intake it was suggested to reduce my calorie intake by 500 calories a week until I reached that magic number. This kept my body from thinking it was starving and storing the fat. It did actually work, though it seemed strange to be eating MORE food than I did before, but I was eating healthy food instead of crap, so I got to eat alot more. Good luck to you.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I am so sorry. :frown:
    This has not been the best month for me too.
    In fact I gained a pound this week.
    But I feel better, healthier, and my skin looks great.
    I do wonder however if you ate too little.
    I am not a firm beliver in Diet.
    After all...
    DID* I* EAT* TODAY* spells diet.
    If you think that you can only eat salads for the rest of your life, THAT does not sound like a good idea to me at all. What kind of a life is THAT!
    SO, if you are going to eat what you want. Which I do in fact think you SHOULD, with in reason of course.
    Try adding more steps that you walk each day.
    IE park farther away, Take the stairs, Stuff like that.
    If you just want to go away from here. We will hate to see you go.:cry:

    Couldn't have said it better myself. I think everyone is focusing on a quick fix here. Diets won't succeed if you want to just lose the weight and then return to your normal lifestyle. This change has to be a life long change. And your body needs to adjust. It needs to get healthy and realize that you ARE going to do this for the long haul and therefore I will stop holding onto all of this food just incase you decide to binge eat one day and then not eat a lot the next. :smile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Please STOP this. Every day you post the same type of posts. Every day people try to tell you what you need to do. Every day many people spend a lot of time trying to help you. Every day you post another post that is the same question worded differently. You know what you need to do. I'm sorry I sound harsh, but - please.

    This is the last one of your posts I am reading.

    Just do it. Or, please do give up.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Please STOP this. Every day you post the same type of posts. Every day people try to tell you what you need to do. Every day many people spend a lot of time trying to help you. Every day you post another post that is the same question worded differently. You know what you need to do. I'm sorry I sound harsh, but - please.

    This is the last one of your posts I am reading.

    Just do it. Or, please do give up.

    Oh my lady, the voice of reason, that is why I miss you! You don't sugar things up, you help us straight foward, make us see the truth....I like it, I miss it:wink: .