I can't get started...



  • librarybook
    Actually, it might take a couple "starts" before you really get started. But if you are thinking about your health and actually trying, that is a good change and is what it takes! :) Good luck and keep post-its reminding your of how awesome you are and that you can do it!
  • ewhitehurst1
    ewhitehurst1 Posts: 178
    Bump! I need the same advice!
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    I agree with everyone else....baby steps. I would start with logging everything daily. You can see what things you can change or find alternatives for the foods that are high in calories and it's easier to hold yourself accountable when you see the numbers. Then gradually work yourself into some cardio...start just by walking and work your way up to something more. Then start with your strength training.
  • LovelyLifter
    LovelyLifter Posts: 560 Member
    This may sound harsh but

    you have to make a decision that you are ready to change your life .....this isn't temporary..

    so really its *kitten* or get off the pot.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Don't say you'll start "today". Tell yourself today that you will start after memorial day weekend. Then, you have time to mentally prepare, get rid of any junk, etc. I do this anytime I need to "restart" or get back on track.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I would definitely say start with the simplest...Log EVERYTHING! This is what I did. It makes the decision that much easier once you can actually see what you're eating and how or where you can slowly start to cut some calories. My first log I believe had over 2K Cal after looking at it I gradually got down to 1500 then to 1200. It was a process but a less traumatic way of "jumping in" :-) Good luck, Hun!

    ^^^^Absolutely this! Resolve to start do this tomorrow. It doesn't matter what you eat, how much you eat or how ugly it gets.....just log it!!! A lot of times just seeing all those calories IN RED on your page will kick start your willpower!

    And as other people have said you have to WANT this. There is nothing 'magical' anybody can do for you. You have to find the strength and try!!!!!!!!!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You can't get started b/c maybe you're not ready. Not saying it to be mean but before I joined MFP I was always saying today I will start, today this today that. Finally I made up my mind and I just did it.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. There is something about your current lifestyle that you aren't willing to give up yet. When I first joined this site I had someone tell me the exact same thing after I sent her a long PM will all of the reasons why I couldn't fit consistent exercise into my crazy busy schedule. After hearing her say I wasn't ready, a switch flipped and next thing you knew, I was finding ways to fit in exercise throughout the week. It can be hard to balance everything so just take it one day at a time!
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    Just do it! :) Then do it again. “Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice reduces the imperfection.” We all have a few imperfections to reduce.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    You have to be ready. No words of advice will help you be ready. It's a decision you have to make for yourself. You have to WANT IT!
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    You are me. Believe me. I've tried so many times to lose the weight, but never had the right mind set, money, support system, etc. I always had an excuse. I always said tomorrow, Monday, after this holiday. But I never actually did it.

    I lost a lot because of my inability to follow through on the healthy weight loss journey, including my husband. You may not have that much at risk, but shouldn't the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. be enough?

    I woke up one day and realized that in order for me to become the person I want to be, I need to focus and follow through with getting this weight off. It's literally an 80 weight on my shoulders!! Once you make the conscious decision to do it, it will all fall into place. Take baby steps. Cut out soda, sugar, fast food, whatever your indulgence is. Mine is muffins (not sure why!) and I haven't had on in almost 2 months! It gets much easier with time and once you start to feel better, you want to continue on the path.
  • Letters24You
    Letters24You Posts: 263 Member
    I always had an issue with "starting" diets until one day during work, our of the blue, I decided, I'm not eating THAT for lunch. Instead I grabbed a healthy lunch from the grocery store on break and stumbled upon this website during the same lunch break. Everyone here is amazing and supportive. I log everything I eat, good and bad, and seeing what I'm consuming really turned things around for me. Also, don't start on a Monday. That's the worst! Try a Wednesday like I did. You get started, feel good and carry it through the weekend. If you want cake have cake. Just remember portion sizes and health. But always log. It's truely and eye opener. Feel free to add me, I'm always dishing out support as without this site I'd be 18lbs heavier!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    i say treat it like you are about to go into a freezing cold swimming pool. Don't dip your toes in to feel the temperature...dont walk in slowly..it just keeps your anxiety up. Just freakin' jump in the pool and get it over with! Once you are in, you will feel less anxiety and you will be glad you did it. Good luck!
  • cristacoyote
    cristacoyote Posts: 17 Member
    I did the same thing, it as because I was putting pressure on myself, had a start day and told myself I had to lose x amount of weight by a certain day. Now I try to take it day by day. Its impossible for me to workout everyday with my schedule. Just try to be the best you can everyday, you can do it. And if you have a bad day no worries, the next day will be better!!
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Don't say you'll start "today". Tell yourself today that you will start after memorial day weekend. Then, you have time to mentally prepare, get rid of any junk, etc. I do this anytime I need to "restart" or get back on track.
    I'll start next week.. no no, I'll start next month, wait, it'll be my 2013 New Years resolution.

    Stop NOT starting, and be the change. Today.

    Throw away your excuses
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    If you can log all of your food then do so - simply because staring the cold facts in the face it may jolt you into doing something about it.

    Also, baby steps!!! Try adding a 30 minutes walk in every day (or as often as you can). Try skipping the condiments at lunchtime/dinner and replacing non-water beverages with water.

    Good luck to you!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    First of all, you have to WANT too....people make all the excuses not in the world not to - too much money for healthy food, not enough time, etc.

    I have been overweight my whole life (I know I am only 28), but I was even overweight in highschool despite playing sports and being active. I literally woke up one day in Sept 2010, and I said to myself, Beth you need to do this not only for yourself but for your babies. You are the only parent they have left, and you need to be around a very long time for them. It didn't help that I saw 200 lb on the scale for the very first time (on a 5'3" frame - that isn't healthy). So, I took baby steps: For the first 5 months, I just focused on my diet. I would eat literally every 2-3 hrs. I didn't deprive myself of anything. If I wanted a candy bar, I would only eat half of it and save the other half for a different day. I also wouldn't allow myself to snack after I ate dinner (which was around 6:30). After I got my eating under control (and losing almost 25 lbs), I started incorperating exercise - I did 30-day shred, Turbojam, Ripped in 30, and go for walks with my babies. With being a single mom (at the time), I didn't have the money or time for a gym membership so I compromised. I would do my workout dvd either before my babies got up or after they went down. I got amazing results for those. Also a few months later, I started drinking more water - I hate plain water, so I add a flavor to it. I still have my diet soda like once a day. This past Feb, I joined a gym for the first time because they have a daycare for my babies to play.

    Remember, it doesn't happen overnight. I took me over a year to get to where I am. You have to want it though. If you aren't ready, then you will never start. Willpower and determination is your friend during this process and for the rest of your life.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Don't say you'll start "today". Tell yourself today that you will start after memorial day weekend. Then, you have time to mentally prepare, get rid of any junk, etc. I do this anytime I need to "restart" or get back on track.
    I'll start next week.. no no, I'll start next month, wait, it'll be my 2013 New Years resolution.

    Stop NOT starting, and be the change. Today.

    Throw away your excuses

    ^^this. you've run out of tomorrows.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    If someone told you they could guarantee you would get to the body you've always wanted and all you have to do is follow some instructions...

    I was first in line!!! I am a few lbs away from my goal weight.
    Read this book.
    The Diet Docs'® Guide to Permanent Weight Loss: Secrets to Metabolic Transformation
    Joe Klemczewski (Author), J. Scott Uloth (Author)

    While i didn't read the book til recently, My trainer gave me the guidelines 11 months ago, which are the same as in the book. It takes dedication and will power but after the first month or two you feel like a pro. Amazing results.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    OP, I hope you read this...I will be blunt and to the point.

    90% of your journey is mental. You know you want a healthier lifestyle. You know the choices before you. You already make the choice to do it. But that is NOT enough. You have to ACT upon the choice every day. Until you do, you will not succeed.

    You have to WANT it - Define what it is you Want
    You have to Visual it - How do you see yourself now versus what you WANT?
    You have to REALIZE it - See the choices - Eat better, or eat like crap
    You have to CHOOSE it - Make the choices that bring you to your goals
    You have to ACT upon the choices - Until you take action to live healthier, you are only acting to not be.
    When you do this...YOU WILL SUCCEED.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You'll start when you actually want to. True Story.

    If you don't want it, you won'd do it.

    Just like if you don't want that cookie, you won't eat it. But if you do want that cookie, you will eat it.

    If you won't start, then you might not have had that day yet where you wake up and know wha determination really is.

    No one can convince you.

    "Motivate yourself or be miserable. Either way, it's your choice."