
So i have been dieting a few weeks now and I am always meeting or exceeding my calorie, sodium, etc goals but the one thing I am over on EVERY DAY seems to be sugar. So I would like to ask the rest of the community how you deal with sugar?

My "plan" calls for 40g of sugar per day. But even if I eat one banana and one golden delicious apple per day (which I do most days) that adds up to 35g right there.

So is 40g really a realistic goal? There has not been one day yet that I have not been close to 50-70g of sugar and I have cut out all sodas, candy, junk food, etc.



  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    I wouldn't worry about your sugar if it is coming from natural sources such as your banana and apple. Fruit is high in sugar that is the nature of it. You can only watch so many nutrients. You would drive yourself crazy trying to meet each one. Unless for some reason that you need to lower your actual sugar content?
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Unless you are diabetic or have some other reason to be afraid of sugar, natural sugars from fruit are not going to derail you unless you eat a LOT of them. Personally, I have an apple, a banana, and a piece of citrus every day. When I eat the three of them, my "sugar" allotment is blown completely out of the water.

    I don't sweat it, because (a) the sugars are unrefined, meaning my body doesn't absorb them all at once like a processed sugar so the glycemic boost is metered out over a longer period, and (b) the sugar is coming with nutrients my body can make use of, so I take the bad with the good.

    You can cut back on them if you want, but make sure the nutrients they provide are being replaced by something else. Or you can just ignore fruit sugars in your calculations like many people here tend to do.
  • KariBfit
    KariBfit Posts: 1
    I always have a banana, apple, and a citrus too or grapes. One cup of grapes is 25g WOW! I'm thinking of adding 14g for an apple, 19g for banana and 19g for grapefruit = 52g to the basic 25g which would equal 77g for sugar. Just a cup of carrots is 5g! That way if I ever go over I know that the 25g was refined sugars. My day should always be around 52g I guess. Or i'll just ignore it?
  • monkeygirl351
    This is good to know cause I like to eat a half banana or strawberries on my oatmeal in the morning and I'm always slightly concerned that I'm half way to my allotted sugar amount. I've cut most processed sweets but man yogurt, fruit, even cheese and milk have sugar. I sometimes go over by an extra 40 g too.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I always have a banana, apple, and a citrus too or grapes. One cup of grapes is 25g WOW! I'm thinking of adding 14g for an apple, 19g for banana and 19g for grapefruit = 52g to the basic 25g which would equal 77g for sugar. Just a cup of carrots is 5g! That way if I ever go over I know that the 25g was refined sugars. My day should always be around 52g I guess. Or i'll just ignore it?

    I ignore it and focus on cutting out processed sugars, which are the real "baddies". Your increasing your sugar goal to match your "fresh fruit" intake is pretty much doing the same thing while giving you a good way to measure how well you are doing at cutting processed sugars. Intriguing....

    (nips off to adjust daily sugar goal)
  • rcthale
    rcthale Posts: 141
    I would just make sure that most of your sugar comes with fiber or something else that actually fills your stomach. Fruit is perfect. As long as your total calories are in check, you'll be OK.