Frustrated and dissapointed



  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    I definitely agree that maybe you are working out too long and too hard especially if you are stopping and not going back for 3-4 months. If you do too much too soon, your body can't handle it and you burn out. As a result of burn out, you lose motivation and stop working out. A better approach might be to build yourself back up. Maybe target 3-4 days per week for 30-45 minutes until you are consistently working out. Once you have established your baseline, then you can start maybe increasing the number of days and the number of minutes, but only after you establish consistency!
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    Don't be frustrated, we are all there at times. I am the other way around, I find it very easy and motivating to work out, but just can't seem to get the foods in line. Maybe you should do 30 min work outs a day for a few days, then have a break to start so you won't get burned out as fast. I tried that and started seeing the scale go dow.n. (Motivating) Now you can't stop me! I get 30 min in the morning and 30 in the evening for 7 days a week. and stay just below my calories of 1200 a day. This is equal to 1.5 or more pounds a week. Been doing it over1.5 months now. Feel free to add me as a friend, i'll help you and you can help me.

    This works
  • genuinely
    genuinely Posts: 10 Member
    Good suggestions! I've been trying to burn 400 cal three times a week, which for me is twice as hard as Ive ever worked out, about 40 min running. I started off well but now I'm scared of burnout. So I like te idea of 30 minutes on a regular basis. That's what I've done the last two days and the time goes by faster than I expected. Haven't gotten the weights in there yet but I'd like to.
  • hilsidney
    hilsidney Posts: 93 Member
    You can add me if you want! I hit a plateau this year and got in a cycle of just maintaining. I was burned out on spin classes, the eliptical, etc. We gave up our gym membership to save money and I realized that I must do something! I got a bunch of different DVD's on amazon based on their reviews. I got a couple of different videos that have 3 to 5 ten minute work outs. You can do just 1, 2, or all 5 if you want. I usually tell myself that I'm going to do at least 10 mins, but try for 20. I almost always end up doing 30 because it goes by quickly and I'm already sweating. I tried to get a good variety, I got the 30 day shred, and another Jillian but I can't remember which one, a couple of kick boxing, belly dancing, among others. This gives me a variety and keeps me from getting bored. It's fun and I don't have to commit to a certain time over 10 minutes which I always say is better than nothing. You can do this! I agree that you are probably getting burnout from working out too long. It's not necessary to do that much in one go. I do little things lately too. I've been parking a mile away from work and walking in. Saves me money on parking too.Just little tweaks here and there are good and more likely to become habits because they are do-able in the context of our busy lives! Hang in there. I know you can find the motivation!! :)
  • diemodemdie
    diemodemdie Posts: 37
    Although I am unsure if it was mentioned, scales are also a double-edged sword. Yes, they tell you your weight, but that is IT.

    For example, I've hit a plateau and stayed at about the same weight for a week or two now. Now, the scale is telling me that, but physically, I look MUCH slimmer. As everyone always says, fat weighs less than muscle, so you could be shedding tons of fat, but have very little to show for it on your scale.

    Remember, how you look and feel are what's important. Getting too technical with it can be discouraging and disheartening. Every little bit helps, and every step you take (even small ones) will get you to the new "you" you're looking for!
  • sandy0723
    sandy0723 Posts: 21 Member
    One really cool thing that I did:

    I put a tread mill in the back of the living room. I'm a huge movie/tv buff and love good shows. Now when I'm done with my chores around the house after work and I'm getting ready to watch some TV. I get up on the tread mill and walk/run until bed time. You will be suprised at how many miles you walk in a night when watching your favorite comedy or an amazing movie.

    Also since many of those on these shows are "in good shape" it is also a motivator. The hells bells for me is watching 300 while I'm on the tread mill. Talk about a work out. I get into the mind set that I can look like that and start pushing harder.
  • NataliaDeV
    NataliaDeV Posts: 4
    I feel the same way! I dragged my feet long enough, it's time to start feeling better about myself and get in shape. I'm new to this and it's nice to see how encouraging everyone is!
  • sc9576
    sc9576 Posts: 47 Member
    A friend has just sent me Jillian Michaels 30 day shred but I havent tried it yet as she scares me on the Biggest Loser US (I love in the UK). is it any good?
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm the same way. I am good on calorie counting but when it comes to exercise I just have no motivation unless it's disguised as being fun. Like badminton! I could play that everyday if I could! But the gym and exercise workouts just aren't fun for me so I give up on them...
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    I was the same before. This year I realized, that 25-30 min workouts are idial for me. 1 hour is too much, too hard, too frustrating. I don't go to the gym for 25 minutes, but I found a lots of good workouts at home, that I really like. I realized also, that I like to use dumbells and weights. I'm stronger than ever before.
    Now I strated to add some more time to my workouts. I see the results too, so I stay motivated.

    ^^^^^^THIS!!!!!!!!^^^^^ I have struggled with motivation as well. I have the eating down, but the motivation to workout isn't always there. Just like she said, start slower with 20-30 minute workouts (try Jillian's 30 Day Shred - it will kick your booty, make you sweat, shred inches, AND it is over before you know it!!!!!!!!!!!!) Once you get into a routine with the shorter workouts, start going to the gym 2-3 times a week to get in some good weight training!!! Mix it up!! Monday, go for a long walk with a friend, Tuesday, try a new workout video. Wednesday, go for a nice challenging bike ride, Thursday, do another video, Friday, dance your a** off!!!!! Saturday, just get outside and move in whatever way makes you smile (and throw in a video for good measure!!) Sunday - REST, RELAX, and ENJOY every moment of your day off, knowing that you pushed yourself this last week, and that the week to come is going to be even better!!!!!!

    You can do this!!! Feel free to add me if you would like!!!!!!
  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    The answer for me is to just do it anyway. I walk one hour five days a week, whether I feel like it or not. It has to become a discipline, don't wait until you feel like because you may not.
  • goodman1930
    Hi there, sorry you are having trouble. I can relate. Here is my solution that worked for me. Don't try doing 2 hours at the gym, that isn't necessary for one visit. Start off by just walking each evening for 45 minutes to an hour. It will jump start your weight loss and make you feel great. Then add the gym 2 to 3 times a week. Going to the gym every day would be a total bummer, unless you really love it there. I am not a gym person myself. I really enjoy walking and if I feel the need, have aerobic DVD's at home.
    Of course, I am incredibly cheap too. Not going to pay for a gym membership:)) I have lost 55 pounds in 4 and a half months just by counting calories and walking.
  • BlueDahlia77
    I have a hard time staying motivated. Eating healthy is very easy for me, staying motivated to work out is very hard. i am at a loss as to how to stay motivated. I do really well going to the gym and will work out about 1.5-2 hours a day then i just stop and won't work out for another 3 or 4 months. I am NOT happy this way at all. I get my bloodwork and my numbers checked every 6 months since my mother's heart attack. I am in very good health right now but how long is that going to last? I am 34 and 5'2" and 170 lbs. Its only a matter of time before my health starts suffering from this. I need someone to push me and i ask all the time but noone will stick to it!

    It sounds like you're having trouble turning exercise at a gym into a routine. Check out the book 'The Power of Habit'. It's not a strictly self-help book, but the aspects of habit that the author investigates have helped me a lot. The chapter on Michael Phelps might give you some ideas on how you can work exercise into your weekly routine.
  • BlueDahlia77
    A friend has just sent me Jillian Michaels 30 day shred but I havent tried it yet as she scares me on the Biggest Loser US (I love in the UK). is it any good?

    I haven't tried her workout, but I would be wary of anything endorsed by her. She seems to push things to an extreme.
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    To all those people who are saying work out for 30-40 mins, is that just cardio or cardio + strength?

    I'm on the treadmill for 45 mins. I have low endurance and it takes that long to burn 300 cals (according to the readout). I feel like Im too young to be burning only 200 cals in 30 mins.

    Then I do about a half hour of weightlifting.

    5x a week.

    To the OP, you didnt say why you quit the gym. When I couldn't afford the gym, I used turbo jam dvds and the Firm workouts. Love them.
  • teamplayer254
    Hello My name is Monique and I am 31 i am currently at 236 and i am 5"6" iI recently started working out on April 12 and to date have lost "almost 20lbs but i cant tell no one has said a word out it and i was feeling like just giving up until I found this sight on today . All of my friends are thin so i dont go out with them becasue Im always the fat friend....So i will be happy to make sure you stick to it.. I really dont know how to work the site all that well yet:flowerforyou:
  • diemodemdie
    diemodemdie Posts: 37
    To all those people who are saying work out for 30-40 mins, is that just cardio or cardio + strength?

    I'm on the treadmill for 45 mins. I have low endurance and it takes that long to burn 300 cals (according to the readout). I feel like Im too young to be burning only 200 cals in 30 mins.

    Then I do about a half hour of weightlifting.

    5x a week.

    To the OP, you didnt say why you quit the gym. When I couldn't afford the gym, I used turbo jam dvds and the Firm workouts. Love them.

    As a (former) avid gym rat, a combination of both will work best. An example would be doing a full body circuit - do one exercise for 1 minute or a set number of reps, and then do something like jump rope or step ups for 1 minute. Do it for 30 minutes.

    Works wonders for getting your body into a healthy and lean figure!
  • urbanitylifestyle
    Please feel free to add me as your friend. I am a fitness coach and this is exactly what I do, I hold accountability groups, primarily on FB but will start them here also. I have started a group within my fitness pal. Its called Urbanity Lifestyle look it up and join me. I will post in this group info on starting our accountability group so you can reach your goals. You can also find me on FB I dont know if Im allowed to post that info here but I will have it within the group page. Looking forward to helping you and anyone else interested in joining the challenge group.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Too much too soon. It's like going from eating cheeseburgers, fries, and milkshakes all day every day to just eating salads. It's too drastic and too difficult to stick with. There's no need to spend two hours at the gym. Shoot for a half an hour, 4-5 times a week. Do it for a month. If you feel like you can do more, then do it! If not, then keep it where it is. No need to have your life revolve around the gym. This is about balance, after all =)
  • StephanieHolloway
    I have hypothyroid as well. Instead of looking at it like you are going to go to the gym for an hour 3-4 days a week. Go do something else besides being cramped in a gym. Take Zumba class. Go for a walk in the mall/Walmart/Sams/Cosco. Take your kids for a stroll around the block or local park. If you don't have kids, borrow a friend's kid and take them out to play. Park in the furthest parking spot from the door. Go swimming. Find a local bootcamp. Take your indoor activities outdoors.