Fitbit & Bodybugg - Is it worth it?



  • westlico
    westlico Posts: 6 Member
    If anybody wants a body bugg I have a $20 dollar off coupon right now. Just pm me. They are on sale at apex for another week so you can get them for around $100.
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    I have been using a Fitbit for a little over a month and yes it does sync to MFP.... but honestly, I've been skeptical of it's accuracy. Especially, when I sync it when I get home.... the Fitbit tells MFP how may calories I have earned. I eat those calories for dinner and then when I sync before bed.... it shows less calories burned and now it shows I'm over??? This has happened to me a lot and it's really annoying.

    I am seriously considering getting a Bodybugg. It won't sync.... but I think it will be more accurate than the Fitbit.