I need help!

I'm so dissapointed, I joined Myfitnesspal in late May 2009, stayed well within my caloric intake of 1200 daily ( I did have 3 cheat days where I went over but not too bad) 3-4 days a week at the gym and lost 4 lbs. My hubby had surgery and was in hospital 2 weeks, I put on 8 pounds!! I don't eat fast food and I don't drink soda. Any suggestions?


  • erinmerriman
    What are you eating. Sometimes we think we are eatting healthy and really are not.
  • mojomcgee
    mojomcgee Posts: 50
    I never eat the extra calories I'm allowed from exercising and I don't know why but I don't lose weight unless I stay well below my 1200 calories (at least under 1000) which it says you're not supposed to do and it's hard to do but that's what it takes to get my body to cooperate with me. I seem to have a pattern of doing relly good for a couple of weeks then slacking off but I gain very little back as long as my slack isn't too much over the 1200-1500. Hang in there. Maybe don't eat after 7pm and take a walk after dinner.
  • hermans
    hermans Posts: 3
    Thank you, I will do what you are doing
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    and be sure you are measuring your foods, not guessing, and logging in "everything" including butter, spreads, every little bit you take. you may be going way over your cals without knowing it. I do that alot. good luck