How Do You Keep the Momentum



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Give away your clothes as soon as you ungrow them (can't really say "out" grow, can we?!). You won't have any safe clothes to fall back on, and you can't go to work naked! Well, I can't anyway. :smile: I personally love putting clothes in the giveaway pile.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    At first I would google motivationial sayings, image. Then I would find one that talked to me and print it out. When that stopped I would find another. Then I thought heck I am going to write my own. So on a up day (great workout, lost weight, was feeling great) I wrote this out for myself. So this is more for me then anything. A reminder to myself. But maybe some of you can relate to it,

    This for me is a lfestyle change. And life isnt always easy. So if I want to reach and hope keep my goals I have to keep moving forward. Sometime you have to hit the wall and push on through. Before life would happen and I'd use that as a reason to stop. Not for a day or two but just stop until things calm down. You need balance in everything yes. But I dont want life to stop me anymore. A pause may happen. Like a coma in a sentance life may make me pause. However no more end of sentance period stops for me.

    This is a life style change. Not just for when times are easy.

    Regardless of where we are on our journey we all need pick me ups from time to time. Its called being human. Just hang in there. Find something that speaks to you be it a piece of clothing you want, a saying, mini goals with a reward (non food) whatever it is, keep that in front of you always. Then on your up day write your own saying. Something from your heart. Something that you feel. Then add to it on your next really up day. Keep these sayings in a book, a jar whatever and read them often. My fridge is covered with saying that motivate me.

    Just remember it didn't all come on in a day and it wont all come off in a day. Keep at it. Celebrate each little success cause they all lead to the big goal you have.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I've said this in other threads, but for me the biggest challenges have been mental, not physical. I've failed at weight loss in the past because I either got impatient at not losing fast enough, frustrated when I'd hit a plateau, or bored once the novelty of the effort wore off. I realized that if I wanted to succeed THIS time, I had to lose the negative thoughts, and commit myself to sticking this out.

    Six and a half months in, the progress I'm making provides me with all the momentum I need. But those first couple months can be tough, as are the times when you plateau. Those are the times you especially need to keep the positive mental mojo working.

    A couple weeks ago, when I hit my six-month anniversary on MFP, I made a list of the mental tricks that have kept me committed to this and posted it to the message board. I wrote a paragraph about each one, but here's the Reader's Digest version:

    #1 - N I /\/\ - NO INSTANT MIRACLES.

    The full post is here: (#8 was a follow-up comment).

    Hope this helps!
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I just picture that end goal and all the fun I am having shopping in my closet for clothes I have not worn in years because I was too fat for them. I cannot wait for the first time I get to buy "non-plus size" clothes.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    Give away your clothes as soon as you ungrow them (can't really say "out" grow, can we?!). You won't have any safe clothes to fall back on, and you can't go to work naked! Well, I can't anyway. :smile: I personally love putting clothes in the giveaway pile.
    I tried doing that once a few years ago. Even got as far as bagging up the clothes to donate, but never got around to dropping them off. It was a dark, dark day when I realized I needed to return those clothes to my wardrobe. :cry: THIS time I need to follow through on getting rid of my "fat" clothes before I have a chance to put the weight back on.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    another thing is to not make too many changes too soon and don't starve yourself. it seems that a lot of people who look at this as a short term diet rather than a lifestyle change are the ones who have the hardest times sticking with it.

    if you are suddenly requiring yourself to exercise 3 hours a day even though you previously did none or doing some very low calorie diet that has you having to choose between an egg or a cup of yogurt because only fits in the calories, then odds are you werent stick with it
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Give away your clothes as soon as you ungrow them (can't really say "out" grow, can we?!). You won't have any safe clothes to fall back on, and you can't go to work naked! Well, I can't anyway. :smile: I personally love putting clothes in the giveaway pile.
    I tried doing that once a few years ago. Even got as far as bagging up the clothes to donate, but never got around to dropping them off. It was a dark, dark day when I realized I needed to return those clothes to my wardrobe. :cry: THIS time I need to follow through on getting rid of my "fat" clothes before I have a chance to put the weight back on.

    If that happens to me I'm screwed. I already gave them away! I hope you're able to get rid of them for good this time.

    I made a vision board a few years ago as part of a challenge, and I put it on my refrigerator. This helps keep me focused because I see it as soon as I walk into the kitchen. I've filled it in a little more since then.

  • amymimi12
    amymimi12 Posts: 51 Member
    Totally in the same boat! Great post and great advice!
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    You know, a wise man once said...
    Don't stop believin'
    Hold on to the feelin'
    I really do have a wonderful singing voice. You should hear me in the shower. Good luck on your 'Journey'.
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