Osteoarthritis in knees and Workout DVD's

Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to the boards and need some advice! I was diagnosed with Osteo-arthritis in my knee joints, cortizone shots don't work and I can't afford the osteo specific shots right now (I'm a single mom). I also can't afford to get a gym membership or weights or much equipment :-(

Basically anything that is too stressful on my knees is impossible for me to do, not to mention against medical advice. This includes deep knee bends, squats, burpies etc, I am not even sure if I would be able to bicycle for long periods. What I was thinking is that I could get a couple of DVD's to do after the kids go to bed at night but I don't know where to start!!!

I have DVD's at home, but all of them are too hard on my joints at this point. Keep in mind, loosing the weight I want is also key to helping out with the stresses on my knees!

Any help would be appreciated!
Edited to add - I know it sounds like I'm an old bitty, but alas I'm only 33!! osteo and rheumatoid arthritis run in my family and I was one of the lucky ones to get it!


  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    i have severe knee issues at 36 years old and have been dealing with them for more than 20 years. have partial knee replacements, steel plates, some plastic and 13 surgeries. i can't do any of the exercises you mentioned either. i can ride my bike, if it is fitted properly, so you might want to start there. it is one of the only recommended exercises. and since i haven't been on a bike in so long, i had to start with very, very short rides.

    i tried some dvd's a while ago...there wasn't anything i found that was easy on the knee joints. so i skipped them. my suggestion is to try to find something else. i have gotten in to riding my bike, love my almost nightly walk, and have been using my second hand elliptical pretty often. maybe check out craigslist or post a sign in a supermarket or something. i also purchased a second hand treadmill that i love.

    i have lost close to 50 pounds with the hopes that my knees would feel better, as my doctor said they would, to a degree. they don't. the things that used to bother them, still do. but maybe your situation will be different. i figure all the extra weight couldn't possibly be helping, so even tho i don't feel a difference, there HAS to be less stress on my joints.

    i have tried some yoga too. there is a ton of stuff using your legs, or laying on your stomach, which i can't do, but some of the standing or sitting poses are beneficial for stretching and stuff. not much help in the weight loss area, but at least it is doing something.

    i have found that b/c of my limited mobility, i have to watch my food intake closer than most in order to lose weight.

    good luck and feel better.
  • cheree1969
    cheree1969 Posts: 98 Member
    Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVD's. I have knee problems too....and these DVD's are lower impact and soooo easy to use.
  • gtamomof2
    gtamomof2 Posts: 27
    Thank you thank you thank you! I really appreciate the bump :-) and the suggestions. I will check out those Dvd's and see if it will work and I think the Idea of an eliptical is a good Idea too... I guess I'm gonna be on the search!!!

    While I hate the Idea of having to watch my Calories that much closer, you are right, the lower I can get them (within reason) consistantly is going to be key for me. Had two Cheat Days this week so I'm hitting my own wrists right now for doing it!!!

    Thanks again, T