Bike 1000K This Summer!

My fiance and I just bought bikes for the summer and realized we have been biking quite a bit already! We decided to keep track of how many miles we are biking just for fun.

....then we decided to add a little fun and try and bike 1000 miles this summer (over the course of 16 weeks)

Anyone interested in joining? I plan on posting my progress on this board and the cool places we go. Already we've explored our neighborhood and town in a way we hadn't before. It's been a lot of fun! Are you in?!


  • honeybee3917
    honeybee3917 Posts: 24 Member
    I would love to do this! I just recently purchased a stationary bike. My husband recently deployed so it is a lot harder for me to get both kids out of the house and in the bicycle trailer. I also purchased some of the virtual scenic places dvd's so I will be in a sense biking all over the country ;)
  • sheepiegail
    sheepiegail Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in. I have 10 in so far
  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    Biked 15 miles last night! It took about 2 hours....and my legs are KILLING me this morning...but it brings my weekly total up to 50 miles! Only 16 more weeks left!
  • honeybee3917
    honeybee3917 Posts: 24 Member
    Put in 14 miles today =) Total for this week so far is 35.6
  • honeybee3917
    honeybee3917 Posts: 24 Member
    I have 90 miles done so far :smile: