How Can I Burn More Calories?



  • WandaJean1564
    WandaJean1564 Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the suggestions..some I can do...some I can not.. I can not skip rope because of ddd, but I can dance :)
    I take the stairs not the elevator..and some of my walks include walking up hill...I try to change my route of walking every few days.
    As well because of other ailments my doctor suggested walking. I want to walk 60 mins straight but by the time I do 30 mins I am too sore even to push myself. I have been walking everyday since I joined.
    I want to get a pedometer.
    I have cut wayyyyy back on snacking...if I do snack its an apple or orange or ricecakes, I eat one regular meal a day but I am thinking about cutting that out and replacing it with a healthy snack.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    according to that it says If I walk a mile in 1 hour I burn 6835 calories, I don't think I walk that much...I do a trail that is 1 km but I can only walk it for 3 like to walk the entire trail ...some day:)

    If you're talking about mapmyrun you need to take another look. It looks like you set it up for 60 hours rather than 60 minutes or 1 hour.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Burning 300 cals a day is plenty - exercise is only one component of losing weight.
    Your MFP goals include a calorie deficit already, so you should lose weight even if you don't do any exercise. Of course, exercise has lots of benefits (cardiovascular health, muscle strenght, improved mood just to name a few) so it is a great idea to do it.
    And, if you exercise, you get to eat more and still lose weight - win/win!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    You said you only eat one regular meal a day? Eating several smaller meals is much better than not eating enough. If you're eating less than 1200ish calories a day you're definitely doing yourself a disservice.

    As for being a DDD buy an Enell Sports bra. I started running with one of those! They don't let anything move around. I was a 40DDD now I'm a 36D and still wear one.

    Burning 300 calories a day is enough to be losing weight if your diet is on track. I only have time for 30-45 min of work out most days (I'm a nursing student, mom and wife), so it definitely can be done.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Wear a weighted vest or ankle weights while walking.
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    The calorie deficit required for weight loss is built in to your base calories *before* you exercise, so don't worry about that. You're expected to eat back the calories you burn with exercise so that the deficit stays in the healthy range. Be careful that you don't overestimate the calories burned, though, or it can cut into the deficit. My experience was that MFP was too generous by at least a third with the calories it wanted to give me for walking, so I use instead.

    She is right, my suggestion is to get a heart rate monitor.... there's a Timex one reasonably priced at ****'s sporting goods for $70. You set it to you height and weight, follow the instructions. Put on the strap around your chest during your exercise. It really works, then when you log it, just adjust the actual calories burned.
  • mibrewer413
    mibrewer413 Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the suggestions..some I can do...some I can not.. I can not skip rope because of ddd, but I can dance :)
    I take the stairs not the elevator..and some of my walks include walking up hill...I try to change my route of walking every few days.
    As well because of other ailments my doctor suggested walking. I want to walk 60 mins straight but by the time I do 30 mins I am too sore even to push myself. I have been walking everyday since I joined.
    I want to get a pedometer.
    I have cut wayyyyy back on snacking...if I do snack its an apple or orange or ricecakes, I eat one regular meal a day but I am thinking about cutting that out and replacing it with a healthy snack.
    ddd- are you talking about degenerative disc disease? Burning 300 cal a day is good for someone with ailments. I have a lot of ailments too and I'd be happy with that.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the suggestions..some I can do...some I can not.. I can not skip rope because of ddd, but I can dance :)
    I take the stairs not the elevator..and some of my walks include walking up hill...I try to change my route of walking every few days.
    As well because of other ailments my doctor suggested walking. I want to walk 60 mins straight but by the time I do 30 mins I am too sore even to push myself. I have been walking everyday since I joined.
    I want to get a pedometer.
    I have cut wayyyyy back on snacking...if I do snack its an apple or orange or ricecakes, I eat one regular meal a day but I am thinking about cutting that out and replacing it with a healthy snack.

    It sounds to me as though you have the exercise side of things pretty well taken care of - 2 x 30 min walks a day is great exercise, and if that is what is possible for you, don't stress about doing something different. And the extra things like adding hills, stairs etc will all add up too. Not that I discourage dancing - that's worth it for the fun factor, as well as for the cals burnt!

    I think you need to address your eating next. Unless you have a specific reason to just eat one meal a day (ie, you are following a program of intermittent fasting), then you need to look at how much energy you are giving your body to function on. I know we have always been told "eat less, move more", but you have to remember that "eating less" only works to a degree. You still have to provide your body with the nutrition it needs, and this is even more important if you have some medical conditions to contend with.
    Are you eating all the calories that MFP suggests, plus the extra 300 you are burning through exercising? If not, try this for a month. If you are, great, keep it up, you'll see results in the long term. Don't stress about the time frame, if you are setting up good eating and exercise habits then you will be on the right track to stay as healthy as possible for the long term.
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    It's taken me 5 months to lose 36 lbs, and I only started back on my treadmill in April. I do 30 minutes, 4x a week, at 3.5. I only burn 154 calories according to the website. It can be done, it just takes time, and patience.
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    Strap on some ankle weights and carry dumbells when walking. I used to wear my ankle weights around the house too (while cooking, cleaning, etc). You can keep your workout the same while adding resistance training and boosting your calorie burn. Easy Peasy
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    If you walk with a weighted vest that would burn more calories. A weighted vest distributes weight more evenly than ankle weights. Firefighters use them during training.
  • Make sure that your not cutting too much food out of your diet. Your body needs food to function. It is very easy to starve ourselves thinking we are 'slimming' our way into being thin. BUT the fact is that we are doing more harm than good. It actually puts your body into starvation mode and the weight will be even harder to come off.

    So you are better off eating several 5-6 snacking meals type meals a day. BUT the same number of calories. Watch your carbs, etc and make sure your getting enough veggies and good stuff in and cut out the bad stuff.

    I personally have a protein bar that I like (its chocolate of coarse), it taste great and I always have some with me. So when I need that cheat or pick me up I have it on me. So when I am running around I am never tempted by fast food or junk. I have my go to food with me. And its only 200 calories. Who says you can't have chocolate and loose 57 pounds!!!! :) Good Luck!
  • WandaJean1564
    WandaJean1564 Posts: 93 Member
    I am definitely guilty of not eating right...not that I eat junk food...but i can eat all day...and still be hungry at night...I have changed my eating habits to fruits, rice cakes or a bowl of special k...or other cereal...I never feel full no matter what I eat..especially at night...and I would love to stop night time eating..but i haven't been able to beat it...last night I munched on chicken noodle soup and rice cakes.
    I do my walks then I feel guilty about eating at I walking for nothing? Is the walking helping even though I eat at night?
    I measured my waist and its 2 inches more than when I started MFP..but I have been walking everyday...and not eating junk..
    maybe I measured wrong.
    I want to lose weight before my birthday..June 15th...I don't care how much...but to lose something is my birthday present to myself..Id be happy with 1 pound lol.
    thank you everyone for the great suggestions/advice.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I eat one regular meal a day but I am thinking about cutting that out and replacing it with a healthy snack.

    Why would you cut out your meal? You may be eating too few calories. Not enough fuel and your body will not perform as well as it should.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    Make your diary public. "One meal" and "snacks" mean different things to different people. For some a meal is 500 calories and a snack is an apple, for others there isnt a huge difference in the two.
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    What kind of foods are you eating? From what you said (Rice cakes, cereal) it sounds like you are eating a lot of carbs and personally I can eat 3 bowls of cereal and not feel full but thrown an egg or two in there and i'm fine....try adding more protein to your diet. whole grains and fruits are good but you need to diversify. And keep it up! Don't get discouraged!! You are definately on the right track, just make some little changes. Good luck!
  • WandaJean1564
    WandaJean1564 Posts: 93 Member
    I eat pretty much a "normal meal'...yesterday I had rice( I know its not good for you but I was craving it lol), and I h ad some cream corn for supper, snacks are oranges, apples,yogurt, rice cakes or rice chips, granola bars, etc, I haven't had much meat. I had ground beef 2 x's in the last week( another no no) I don't eat lots of bread, I am not a big sandwich fan...I only basically eat toast with soup, sometimes I snack on soup at night or a bowl of cereal, I eat the odd scrambled eggs or cheese omelet,
    I drink about 1-2 cups of coffee a day...I cut my sugar to 1/2 tsp and I drink tea maybe once every 2 months or so.
    I drink lots of water..I have not touched potato chips in about 10 days...which is good cause I use to down 2 big bags a night( where my weight gain came from )
    I went for an early morning walk today...I did 40 mins!!!..Im proud
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I have cut wayyyyy back on snacking...if I do snack its an apple or orange or ricecakes, I eat one regular meal a day but I am thinking about cutting that out and replacing it with a healthy snack.

    Do yourself a favor... learn how to actually eat food - you should be consuming alot more food than this. You want to do this the smart way, eat food. Actually consume the calories. This comment you have made is clearly an indicator you are starving yourself...
  • WandaJean1564
    WandaJean1564 Posts: 93 Member
    I am a terrible night time apple...a rice cake or two...and bowl of cereal...but even if I eat my 3 meals a day...I am still eating at night...I phoned a dietician at and she told me if i am eating at actually eat a small meal..instead of grabbing snacks continuously and that might help with the constant munching.
    i want to eat right but I am afraid if I eat more the walking I am doing will be for nothing.
    I'm a little confused on do I eat before I walk...after I I stay completely away from certain food groups...I'm staying away from chips, choco bars, cakes, pies, ice cream, fruit punch,etc...been doing great with cutting out sweets and been eating some of my meals with no added salt
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I am a terrible night time apple...a rice cake or two...and bowl of cereal...but even if I eat my 3 meals a day...I am still eating at night...I phoned a dietician at and she told me if i am eating at actually eat a small meal..instead of grabbing snacks continuously and that might help with the constant munching.
    i want to eat right but I am afraid if I eat more the walking I am doing will be for nothing.
    I'm a little confused on do I eat before I walk...after I I stay completely away from certain food groups...I'm staying away from chips, choco bars, cakes, pies, ice cream, fruit punch,etc...been doing great with cutting out sweets and been eating some of my meals with no added salt

    What your dietician failed to tell you is that you should be a better meal planner throughout the day. Getting a much better balances of proteins, fats, healthier carbs from vegetables, with a few servings of fruit daily is what you should be considering.

    My gym workouts are every day, Mon-thru-Fri at 4:45amEST. I do 30 min cardio and another 60 minutes weights/strength training. My morning meal is always going to be high protein, healthy carbs from vegetables/fruits only, healthy fats and plenty of water. My meal planning is on a day-to-day basis. I already know what Im having for lunch and dinner has already been planned as well. Breakfast needs to be the anchor that drives my system to function for the day.

    It is very rare that I get cravings and its thanks to getting rid of all bad foods, junk foods, canned foods, processed foods - only real food that is used for meal planning. But I also have a list of foods I cannot eat due to allergies and sensitivities. The foods you mentioned that you tend to turn to, like ricecakes, cereal, etc.... They would be foods that put me in the hospital. Anything breads/flours/corn/pasta/rice cause such a significant insulin dumping in my system that I end up being hospitalized with Insulin Shock. By eliminating these for my personal health situation, it has made the cravings go away.. I dont miss those foods...