Am I just being impatient?

I'm dying here! When I first started to lose weight, the pounds started coming off the very next day. On Mothers day I hit my low, 189, and ever since it's been slowly creeping back up.

I thought it was TOM, I decreased my fat intake by 60-80% depending on the day, I raised my calories, 90% of my intake now is fruits, veggies, and water (I don't log it, I just drink it). I thought combining fat reduction with EM2WL would surely get me back on the boat but it's killing me.

I'm seriously crying inside. HELP!


  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    Please? I have a public diary!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Just curious, but it looks like you do not exercise. True?
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    Congrats on the loss so far first off. Next, I'm not good at looking at diaries so I'm not going to give suggestions on that. I'm not sure what EM2WL is either. But you do have to be patient when you adjust your diet giving your body a little time to figure out what's going on. Do some research into plateaus, that might help you understand what your body may be doing. I hope that you get more helpful input. Good luck and try to stay positive.
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    I tried P90x but just couldn't handle it after the first week. For a while there I was just dancing while washing dishes but I figured since the weight was falling off the first 2 months without working out I wouldn't need to til it came time to tone and sculpt.

    Think that's it?
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Although I know some people have had successful weight loss without exercising, it seems your body may not want to play along with that.

    I'd suggest adding something simple, even just walking (briskly, or power walking) 4+ times per week for 30 minutes at a time to see if it helps. Give it 3 weeks to see if it makes a difference.

    Can't hurt :smile:
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I agree about the exercise. It helps raise the metabolism. Your body can easily adapt to lower calories by lowering the metabolism. Combining a proper diet with exercise is the surest way to lose weight.

    It also makes you healthier. :)
  • t4nn1e
    t4nn1e Posts: 43 Member
    I know it can be really difficult to find time to excersise... I go dancing once a week and that's about it. So far, I've lost 2 stone and 3 pounds (31 pounds) without really excersising but I too am finding that the weight isn't dropping off as quickly anymore.

    How often do you weigh yourself? I know it's tempting but perhaps try once a week or even (if you can wait that long) once every two weeks. You may notice more weight coming off then, even if it'sonly a pound a week.

    They do say that a healthy amount to lose is 1 to 2 pounds a week.

    Good luck! xx