5 ft 9 ladies? What's your current / goal weight?

I'm 17 pounds along my way from 243 to 150 and I'm looking for some idea of what this weight looks like in other women my height. Anybody in that range? I'm 228 right now! Still too high but I'm on my way!

Photos appreciated!


  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I'm 5ft 10 and my current weight is 184 but my goal/healthy weight is 155. I started at 224 in December. I tend to think 155 is too small for a 5ft 10 frame but even my doctor would like ot see me between 145-155 so that's my goal & oddly enough the goal that MFP set for me as well. Guess Dr. knows best. lol. Good luck!

    ETA: I've got a picture of myself in my profile at 220 - the one where I'm wearing an orange dress. I think it's still there....

    EATA: sorry, it's gone. But, the picture of me in the blue tank top with my best friend was taken when I was at my highest - 224.
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    I'm 5' 8.5"

    I'm probably 147 lbs. I hid the weighing scales under the bed over the weekend and won't take it out again 'til I check in again after 30 days on P90X.

    Having said that, 140 was always the 'figure' I had in my mind.

    But, what I'm after is
    a) clean diet,
    b) not too much booze,
    c) consistent working out,
    d) build muscle,

  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    I'm 5ft 9 and in my photo I'm about 212 (but I've gained about 8 lbs since then)

    I have my goal set at 160 for now because I don' t think/believe that 150 is reachable for me, but I would love to try to get to 145 at some point (my highest was 245 and I would love to reach that 100 lb mark)
  • Skye87
    Skye87 Posts: 1
    hey i'm 5ft 9 inches and about 157 my healthy goal weight is 125.
    eat about 1500 calories or less and about 45-50 mins of cardio :drinker: :drinker:
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    I am 5'11" and am currently at 164. In my profile pics, I was down to 155 in the beach pic and the bikini pic. I am trying to get back there. I would LOVE to be 145-150, but I am working towards the 155 for now.
  • healthychic
    healthychic Posts: 298
    My start weight was about 143 and I now weigh 138, but I have a small fram even though I am 5'7. My goal weight is 125-127 so I would say that for you, 135-140 would be a good weight. But you can always set your goals higher such as 150 and then go lower. Hope this helps!:happy:

  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi there:flowerforyou:

    Congrats on your loss. 17 pounds! You're doing great.

    I am your height. Check out the photo of me and my daughter crossing the finish line in my profile. That is what I look like at 150-155.

    You can do it!
    :heart: -Kechie.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Im 5'9 and currently weigh 155...my goal weight is 145, and my healthy weight range is 138-152
    The pics on my profile are from when I was around 150 and have since gained five pounds.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    my mini goal weight is 170, I think I will be pretty happy when I get there, and from there I will take it ten lbs at a time to see what looks good on me. I have a pretty large frame so I dont think I would look good at any less than 150, I'd start to look a little sickly. I'm hovering right above 200 right now. The picture in my profile with my long hair blowing in the wind is my favorite picture, I was ignoring the scale at that point in my life but I think I was around 165-170-ish.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am very jealous ladies, I am barely 5"2 and I mean barely, arguably 5"2. Sorry for posting but I keep seeing this title then I read it and I just could not resist telling you all how jealous I am.:flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    After seeing everyone's posts, I would definitely recommend finding out your frame size. Your doctor can help you figure it out. I have a small frame.

    Does anyone know if the old wrapping your thumb and middle finger around your wrist trick is accurate for determining your frame size?:smile:
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm 5'10", currently weight 189. My goal is 170-175, but since I have trouble maintaining even at 180 I'll see how it goes!! :laugh:
    The lowest I ever weighed was 143, this was when I was on a swim team and didn't have money to eat as much as I would have liked. The other time I was in the peace corps and just had no access to food and had to walk/bike everywhere. :laugh: But I was starving during those periods of time and would never want to be that skinny again.
    A doctor once told me I had to get down to 145 & I told him he was crazy--I'd been there done that.
  • twilight1542
    twilight1542 Posts: 403
    I am very jealous ladies, I am barely 5"2 and I mean barely, arguably 5"2. Sorry for posting but I keep seeing this title then I read it and I just could not resist telling you all how jealous I am.:flowerforyou:

    I Love Love Love your profile pic! Soooooo Cute :)
  • lizbeth787
    lizbeth787 Posts: 101 Member
    I am 5'8" and 130-135 (depending on how I eat that week - haha!). I think it is the perfect fit for my body and frame (which is on the smallish side)
  • peapods02
    peapods02 Posts: 27
    First, congrats on your weight loss to this point, that is ALWAYS something to be PROUD of!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm 5ft 8.5in.

    April 9, 2009 -173
    July 20, 2009 - 148 (1lb from my mini-goal)
    Sept 1, 2009- GW 135 (lowest I can go to still remain in my healthy range)

    This was not easy at times, but the longer I stuck to it and held myself accountable (with the help of this site) it is a lot easier than I could have ever imagined. Now it almost feels like 2nd nature and I'm not having to work as hard as before at figuring out nutrition and portion sizes. Of course that TOM can still be a struggle...thank goodness for frozen yogart,baked lays, and lots of fruit :happy:

    I workout about 6 days a week, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day (like to put in about 1.5 hr a day ). Working out did not happen right away, I started out just concentrating on the weight loss and then the middle of May I started the Slim in 6 program and loved and saw results, so I got addicted to working out, it makes me feel really good about myself.

    Now the SI6 is over I rotate different things into my workout walking 60 mins (started jogging, but just hurt my knee so that has stopped me for a few days), 30 day shred, turbo jam, SI6,and Wii fitness coach...I get bored easily:yawn: I want to note also that I have always hated working out until recently...In high school, I WALKED the mile run with a bag of chips and a soda, so I have come a long way from that girl.

    I have some pics in my profile but they are a few years old, but I tried this website that will give you a virtual look , it is www.weightview.com, you have to have and/or open a facebook account, but worth it b/c it gives you an idea what you could look like 20,30,40,50lbs lighter.

    Goog Luck:drinker:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am very jealous ladies, I am barely 5"2 and I mean barely, arguably 5"2. Sorry for posting but I keep seeing this title then I read it and I just could not resist telling you all how jealous I am.:flowerforyou:

    I Love Love Love your profile pic! Soooooo Cute :)

    Thank you, I love it too. We were at a camp and that is a real butterfly on my 4 week old son's cheek. My daughter caught it and put it there. All kinds of people were busting out with their cell phones taking pics. We thought it was great It stayed there for a long time.
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    Reading some of these makes me wonder if I might have my goal weight set too high. :P
    But I think I'll still play it by ear and see what I look/feel like when I get to 160
  • abr25
    abr25 Posts: 179
    I'm a little over 5 7 and i currently am at about 125ish