Experienced low-carber new to site....

Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
Hi there - I was directed to this site by a few fellow low-carber friends of mine from another low-carb site - and must say this site is the DA BOMB! Wish I'd found it a long time ago!

I'm a 39 y/o married mother of a 13 y/o female who is currently driving me nuts because she's grounded due to excessive cell phone usage resulting in a bill that nearly gave me a heart attack. Her way of dealing w/ this is to drive me nuts hoping I say "Just get out of here for a while...." Guess what, ain't gonna happen!

I have a wonderful, very supportive husband who has done low carb with me, but he continues to waffle back and forth doing low-carb some days and other days just watching his intake. I keep telling him he's never getting past the "carb monster" stage - and if he doesn't decide which direction to go, he's gonna start gaining!

I've been doing low fat/low carb off and on for about 2 years now - lost a lot of weight initially, got complacent and lazy, and gained some back. Tried it a gain halfheartedly a couple of times, but never really stuck with it.

This time, it's been 3 months, and I've finally decided this is my WOE for life - I'm not into diets anymore. I will turn 40 in March, and by ALL THAT IS HOLY I will not be this weight then. Time is running out! I've been fighting the fat fight for about 25 years, and I'M DONE WITH IT. I'm tired of telling myself "when I'm thin I'll do this" or "when I'm thin I"ll go there" or "when I'm thin, I'll wear that" You know what I'm talking about, right everyone? We've all been there, done that, got the T-shirt!

I have about 13 pounds to go to get to where I"m comfortable starting my weight-lifting regimen again. I did Body For Life several times, had great results, but never stuck with the plan. I find I like this method better - low-carb is definitely the WOE for me. I feel best when I'm avoiding carbs, almost as if I have a carb sensitivity. I have more energy, and I never ever eat to the point of feeling sick. When I'm eating carbs, that's how I get - and it's miserable.

So this is it - it's all downhill from here, right? It darn well better be, cuz I'm not climbing this hill again, baby..... no stinkin way! :noway:


  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Welcome Resalyn! I also have a 13 y/o female, so know exactly how you feel :explode: .

    I also know the ...when I ___, then I will ____... trap. I did it with cigarettes for a couple of decades. When I lose weight, I'll quit smoking, when the stress of this or that is over, then I'll quit smoking. Finally, I decided...enough! I'd quit smoking AND lose weight at the same time!! And here I am :).

    I love carbs, but they don't love me. Err...my blood sugar doesn't like them. Or something. So I am working on finding an acceptable level of intake for my glucose levels.High protein, low fat, low carb is my new eating lifestyle.

    It's wonderful your husband is supportive :) Much better than someone who mocks, belittles and intentionally tempts you. Ugh.

    My dairy is public, feel free to add me as a friend and give suggestions if you see anything I can improve on.

    You'll love it here!!
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Hi Res! You already know me, but figured I drop in and say hello!! I'm with you....I am LOVING this new site!! It's awesome!! Helping me so much with my food and exercise diary!! I also love the BLOG area....have you started one yet?? and...about that grounded teenager....don't know how you do it....I think of every punishment I can in an effort to avoid grounding my 17 yr old Christopher....because I KNOW how he drives me insane when he's home and bored!!! More power to ya...good luck with it!! :wink: :wink:

    And, YES....this low carb way of life is wonderful!! Keeps my energy and mood UP! and the scale DOWN! :tongue:
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    HI I'm kind of new to this and well I'm looking for all the help I can get. I have started watching what I eat and tracking it here which has helped but the weight isn't coming off, I go to the gym several nights a week and well I know its the foods that I'm eating so I'm looking for help, I want to cut my carbs by doctors orders and my own and I want to stop eating crap and start eating right,

    Can anyone help me get started?
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Welcome to the gang of Health Nuts!
    Or just Nuts?????? :laugh: :heart:

    I avoid carbs like the plague too. I'm basically allergic to wheat, dairy and all that fun stuff! I feel my best when eating poultry & fish, steamed or raw veggies and brown rice. Any of those foods in different combinations provide me with a satisfied, and not stuffed feeling after eating.

    Trying to convince my man to eat like that is another story! :grumble: :love: :sad:

    He's slowly getting on board with my style of eating. But I mostly leave him alone about it. Because then he teases me when he sees me wander off the path........... :smooched: :laugh:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Hi Stormchaser, why don't you start your own thread in the Weight Loss Help section of the forums. No doubt you'll get LOTS of responses :)
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This site is awesome. You will love it here if you don't already. I love it here. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    STORMIEWEATHER - Thanks for the welcome! We also have something else in common - I quit smoking about 8 months ago after 20 years at a pack a day. My DH just quit a week ago - and he's doing great too. Don't you feel so much better since you quit? I can't believe how SENSITIVE my sense of smell is now! It's amazing!

    SASSY! I am bloggin - doing my daily journal here in a blog and also over at the other site like I was before. I'm still using both sites since I have lots of friends in both places…. I need to get some pics taken! How r u doing tonite, waiting for the boys to come home???

    STORMCHASER - Hi there! There are several different ways to cut carbs - you can go the Atkins way - and maybe pick up a copy of the book The Atkins Diet Revolution. That's a higher fat way of cutting carbs. There are millions of people who have had good success that way. Or you could go with something that is more low fat and low carb (which is what I do) - I log everything I eat into my food diary every day. I usually like to keep my daily calories around 1300 a day, 20 to 25 grams of carbs, and lower fat - lots of leaner meats, GOOD carbs, which you get from vegetables, etc, and I stay away from starches completely. No bread, no potatoes, no rice, no refined sugar at all (meaning no sweets!.) Some other examples of lower carb ways of eating include The Zone Diet, South Beach Diet, etc….. Not sure how you would get the food lists for those diets. I'm not telling you which is best - only you can decide what is best for you….. Once you figure out what you want to do - the most important thing is logging your food. I mean every single thing that goes in your mouth, from a Tic Tac to a grape, to a pork chop and veggies you had for dinner. That's the only way you can control your food intake.

    BARBARELLA - Hi there! Thanks for the welcome! Now now, we're all health nuts now, aren't we? At least I darn well wanna be - I don't want to live that crappy lifestyle anymore! Sounds like you're on a gluten-free diet - my good friend and coworker is also on a gluten free diet, and also has to watch her fat intake due to gastroparesis - she has a HECK of a time finding things to eat!

    MOMOF TWO29 - Hi, and thanks for the welcome! I noticed on your ticker you lsot 45 pounds! That's wonderful! I hope it works for me as well as it has worked for you!!!
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Res...yes, of course, waiting up for ONE boy to come home. The 17 yr old got back with his girlfriend...so he WILL be home on time or early from now on...She's quite the little control freak. LOL
    Will check out your bloggin'! :flowerforyou:
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I loved the South Beach diet...except the moment I got off of it I gained back as much and more. And I eat normal carbs, not crazy unhealthy food or anything. I've always been a healthy eater. I think that good carbs are essential to your overall body change..and changing for good. because you will eat them in the future....carbs are a part of life! Who wants to go through life thinking they have to "restrict" something.

    I believe in portion control, watching calorie intake, and losing slowly to keep it off for life! Eat good carbs in moderation, and then when you get to your goal weight, maintaining won't be an issue! :drinker:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    All excellent points, Flutter! Whatever works for you - and the key to maintaining is to EASE back into eating those things you have restricted, and watching your body closely so you know what your thresholds are.... I didn't do that last time, just jumped wholeheartedly back into eating processed crap like pizza rolls and processed convenience foods.... I learned my lesson, that's for sure!