Anyone who can motivate and support please add me.

iamme84 Posts: 7 Member
Hi there guys I'm 27 female. I'm on a slippery slope of gaining weight, this is the heaviest I've ever been and can't seem to stop it due to losing motivation. I want to lose about 30-40 lb. I. Feel so unhealthy and just need some moral support to keep me going. I have used this program before but often fall off the wagon. This is day 3 of this diet and it's going well. Please help me stay there :) will also love to support anyone who needs it x


  • Well it mainly has to come from within!

    But I'm in a similar situation to you, in total despair about it. so maybe we could help each other if you like?
  • iamme84
    iamme84 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes please:)
  • Hi, I'm in the same boat too, so lets support each other. And well done on making it to day 3! I've tried using the site once before but didn't succeed because my will power caved and I was too embarrassed to log my chocolate binges! This time though I'm really determined to succeed, not just to loose weight but because I want to feel fitter and healthier. I'm sure if we all help each other out we can achieve our goals and more :)
  • 10kme
    10kme Posts: 4
    you sound just like me so feel free to add x
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    If I may make a suggestion to the three of you .. it is hard to stay motivated and certainly adding friends who look at your status every day and make encouraging comments is a great help... but what I think will help you a lot is if you log everything ... absolutely everything! There is no need to feel ashamed .. aren't we all in the same boat here?? When you log everything then you are being true to yourself - really important ... and you are able to see exactly what is going on with you. We all need to face up to the fact that we have a problem with food and that is why we got into this condition in the first place. The second piece of advice I would offer to you is this - make your diary public or for friends to see because then people can help you by offering suggestions if you are stuck or sometimes even give reminders of things you may be missing out. We are here to help each other so we need to enable people to be able to do it with knowledge. I wish you all well and if you would like to add me then that is great - please just add a note so that I know where I came in contact with you. :smile:
  • kbarnick
    kbarnick Posts: 36
    I'm in a similar situation. I'm 29 and have had trouble keeping motivated. I'm working on losing 20 lbs by the end of the summer, but ultimately want to lose around 40. Feel free to add me!