Is kashi cereals really healthy?

seasew Posts: 14 Member
I'm trying to eat a higher protein/less carb diet. However I love cereal for breakfast. So I started eating the Kashi cereal that has a lot of protein in it. Is it really healthy? Is it good for a low carb diet?


  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Cereal is not good for a low carb diet (and probably not optimal for dieting in general). Kashi cereals are less bad then most, but they're still not health food.

    If you're used to eating a high carb breakfast, then it can be tough switching to a lower carb breakfast. But if you stick with it for a few months, you'll stop missing the high carb breakfast. Perhaps at first switch from cereal to a banana or something. Then have some nuts/lean meat as well, to keep you filled up until lunch.

    I used to eat very high carb breakfasts (muffins, cereal, etc). I switched to the meat and nuts breakfast, and at first it sucked. But now I love it!
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    kashi - which, despite being more "natural", still boosts high amounts of sugar in their products. especially their sweetened stuff and granola bars.

    that being said, i do eat the golean cereal they have available (1 c. of cereal = 140 calories, with silk unsweetened almond milk = 35 calories/cup). it fills me up, unlike other breakfast foods.. and, like you mentioned, it does have a nice amount of protein.
    honestly, i'm no expert, especially on diets (because i don't believe you should refrain from eating things just because some dr. quack says it'll help you lose weight) but if it fills you up like it does for me and you don't go over your recommended calorie/sugar intake (and you actually enjoy eating the cereal, of course), i don't see why it should be banned from your cupboards.
    as the good ol' saying goes "everything in moderation"
  • thelandofwin
    I eat the Kashi - Go Lean Crisp Cinnamon Crumble and it has less sugar than a cup of 2% milk (10 grams versus 12 grams). I don't eat cereal every day but I change it up. On the other days I eat english muffin, turkey bacon, and eggs/egg whites.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I am pretty sensitive about the GMO issue, and found out kashi has been tested and is tainted. I believe I read this on dr mercola's So I stopped buying kashi...
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    I absolutely LOVE Kashi GoLean cereal. It is low in sugar and sodium, high in protein (13 g) and fiber (10 g), lots of wholegrains. I eat a cup of it with a cup of Silk Soy Original Light for a total of 200 calories. In one meal i am getting 19 grams of protein and 11 grams of fiber. That kinda makes up for the carbs in my opinion.
    GoLean seems to be their most healthy option in comparison with their other cereals.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Definitely not great for low carb, and I couldn't really care less about the GMO thing. It's a great source of fiber and protein for me. I eat it just about every morning.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Kashi is owned by kellogs so it really isn't anything great. The high protein is from soy which I'm sure is GMO. I still eat the Go Lean but I'd really like to quit. I can't figure out an alternative that is easy to bring to work to eat at my desk.
  • luv2run
    luv2run Posts: 54 Member
    I love Kashi cereal I love to put the go lean crisp berry crumble on my plain greek yogurt and I love the heart to heart cereal with some rasberries and almond milk, I dont really care about carbs so I dont really keep that in consideration when selecting cereal and I think the ingredients in the cereal are pretty healthy and at least the sugar that is in there is evaported cane juice which is less refined and your body does deal with it better than refined sugar and HCFS which is in most leading cereals. I think they are pretty good choice for a cereal if you are looking at eating a healthier cereal especially when you compare it to like kellogs, general mills or post cereals.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    There are a lot worse choices out there on the market.
  • opaquewhite
    opaquewhite Posts: 58 Member
    I love the Go Lean as well, it's pretty much the only "carb" I eat all day. I usually eat a half a cup with Unsweetened Silk almond milk, and some sliced up strawberries or bananas, so good! It keeps me full for a long time too.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    You can definitely do worse than Kashi. I used to eat it regularly but gave it up after realizing cereals like that are a pretty poor breakfast choice. It is still loaded with added sugar so I wouldn't call it healthy.
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    I was eating a whole egg, 2 whites and 1 slice of whole wheat toast for the longest lately I switched to Kashi Autumn Wheat squares, I slice a banana over it with 1/2 cup of 2% milk. This is through the roof in the sugar/carb dept but I've been eating this most mornings for over a month now and my weight loss instantly ramped up to 2 to 3lbs even as much as 4lb loss per week.

    I'm not on a diet, I'm changing the way I live and if I eliminate carbs or sugars for a short period of time, well then eventually I'll go back to eating them when I hit goal weight and then the pounds will start packing back on.
  • Bloomsday
    Bloomsday Posts: 66 Member
    Depends on your view of "healthy." Nurtitionally speaking, some of their cereals are the equivelent of a donut with, perhaps, a little more fiber ...
  • dwittiot
    dwittiot Posts: 2 Member
    Just an FYI Just one serving of Kashi cinnamon harvest shredded wheat will send my blood sugar from 99 to 170 (the 170 is a 2.5 hr postprandial which is the time by which your sugar should turn to normal) I have tried 3 times and same result...very disappointing they need more dietary high grain fiber
  • jaquelynny
    jaquelynny Posts: 94 Member
    mmmm i love kashi, i cant eat the recommended serving tho i always surpass by 4 so i don't eat it