Need Food Ideas for tomarrow

im working 8-6 at work tomarrow and here at the house i dont have much that i can snack on. I'm trying to find something somewhat big and filling for breakfast and for lunch. I'm going to the grocery store before work. Figured i'd get some ideas. (i have a lot of yogurt at work right now and that's it)

Just remember it would have to be something i don't have to really cook (unless its just for a microwave)


  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Oatmeal and an egg - both microwaveable; fresh berries if you like for the oatmeal, skim milk
    For lunch I like to grab a WW Smart Ones frozen meal, some fresh veggies and a piece of fruit
    Morning snack, an apple and piece of cheese
    Yogurt for afternoon snack
  • casamelsmom
    I eat 2 boiled eggs for breakfast. For lunch, I eat a low carb wrap with turkey, ff cheese, and lots of veggies. I pack a cheese stick and a pc of fruit. The problem is 3:30...... I eat a 90 cal granola bar. I drink ALOT when I get hungry. Keep some nuts on hand too. Microwave mini bags of popcorn are 100 calories and if you eat it slow, you can make it last through the afternoon.
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    i may just hurry search through the store for some stuff. I have a couple small things to use at the moment. A Cheerio's cereal bar isn't going to fill this chick up lol

    in a way its nice to not have to cook anything at least for breakfast
  • julieye
    julieye Posts: 6
    Do you ever stop by Starbucks?

    They are serving these apples, cheese and grape platters with crackers now (350 calories).

    It's been my salvation lately on quick lunch breaks.

    Other favs: Tuna, Hard boiled egg, steamed veggies.
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    meh it's easier getting into the grocery store than starbucks in the morning and i can't leave work to go get anything w/o losing mins
    i saw the Speical K post and im thinking of trying some of that tomarrow and see how things go.