how many calories in haitian food?

i eat a LOT of haitian food. it's mostly rice and chicken and beans.

they also have sauces made with tomato sauce and this thing made with LOTS OF VEGGIES (and spices and salt, you get the idea)

but it makes it hard to calculate how many calories are in them. i try to eat a cup of rice.


  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    if you make it yourself, then keep track of everything you add to the dish and add up the calories using a recipe calculator. if someone else is making it, then you need to break it down to its components as much as you can and add the calories together from there. try to be exact as possible, especially with things like rice and beans, whose calories tend to add up really fast.
  • LuvLivLrn
    LuvLivLrn Posts: 9