One month and no weight loss

I am so frustrated because it has been a month since the last time Ive lost some weight. I have only lost a total of 7lbs and after that my scale hasn't moved. I am a very active person and been consistent with my work outs, been trying to stay on my calorie goal some days I go higher on my calorie intake because I heard that it tricks your metabolism so I try to zig-zag my calories. I also measured myself and I don't see any change in the numbres either.If anybody wants to look at my journal and offer me any advise to keep on losing, those will be very welcome and appreciated. I will be taking pics to see if I see any difference. On the meantime...heelllllppppp!!


  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    BUMP. I am in the saaame boat. Consistent workouts. Zig zagging as well. All of the above. No inches lost, no lbs lost. NOTHING. But wanted you to know there are others like us out there! Hang in there!!!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Move over, guys. Make room in that boat for me!

    I'm at a complete and utter loss. Ready to ....something. :explode:
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I see a lot of days under 1200 calories, and many under 1000 calories. Eat more.

    (This may not apply to Stormieweather.)
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I see a lot of days under 1200 calories, and many under 1000 calories. Eat more.

    Yep! Less is not more with calories. Your body requires a certain amount each day to function.
  • latinlady435
    latinlady435 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm having the same problem!! VERY FRUSTRATING :'(
  • Dimples1975
    Dimples1975 Posts: 65 Member
    I are not eating enough. You are creating too big of a deficit. Your body might be in starvation mode.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    You need more fuel for your body. Eat more to lose more...
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    Girl, I'm right there with you too! I've been eating below my calories for the most part (eating back my exercise calories) and I work out EVERY single day 30 min. to an hour. I think my main problem is not eating the RIGHT things. I need to eat more veggies and less sugar. I am SUCH a dessert junkie! I love sweets and I always seem to make room for them in my daily routine. However, I make sure I eat LESS of something else so I don't overdo my calories for the day. My will power, even after 5 mths of doing MFP, is waivering and I find myself giving in to indulgences rather than eating healthy. I'm not sure if this is the case with you, but I know this is what I'm experiencing. I've got to get back on track and eat HEALTHY! Good luck and know you are NOT alone!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I can only speculate based on looking at your diary. It leads me to ask:

    1. are you being 100% honest with your nutrition tracking?
    2. are you basing your deficit by week or daily?

    Your tracking is all OVER the place. many days are over, many are well under - i.e. 867 cals in a day is unhealthy. If you are being honest and tracking it 100%, you are not eating right.
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 398 Member
    I didn't look at your diary (cause I'm not an expert on the nutrition myself) but I know that you should look into new workouts. I'm a huge fan of the biggest loser, and Bob Harper suggested that in a plateau it is good to shock your body and do your workout backwards. You want to work out several times a week, but change up what you do so your body doesn't get comfortable. Keep challenging yourself.

    I suggest looking at HIIT training or maybe getting some kick butt workout DVDs
  • aurorabdcrg
    aurorabdcrg Posts: 11
    Im having the same problem. It's very disheartening. I've actually seen my weight go UP a couple of pounds and then drop back down to my current weight - I weigh the same that I did one month ago.

    One of my friends on MFP pointed me toward the "Eat More To Weigh Less" group. I am probably in the same boat as many of you; I exercise fairly heavily and I'm probably not eating enough to function. We'll see how this goes. :)
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    In looking at a few days, I agree that you need to at LEAST bring your calorie goal up and more consistant. Also, you are a lot like me, you may get your calories but, it isnt always the right calories. Personally, i need more veggies and less sugar. Maybe adding more veggies into your daily routine. Also, if you work out alot, Protein is a good thing to boost as well.

    GOOD LUCK and I hope this helps alittle bit. :)
  • RoosMommy01
    RoosMommy01 Posts: 88
    Look into the group "Eat More to Weight Less"!!! They have tons of helpful info on there. You need to be eating tons more. I was only averaging 1,200-1,400 a day and was gaining and losing the same 2 lbs for months!! Joined that group, talked it over with a bunch of people, found out my BMR and TDEE numbers and am now eating 2,400 a day!

    It messes with your mind, don't get me wrong. I was freaking out bad Tuesday because I was so afraid of gaining all my weight back (which I have put on 2lbs already) but I'm going to give it a chance because they say to give it 2-4 weeks for your body to adjust to eating all that food again!

    I should point out that I have already lost 50lbs before joining this site.

    Also use the website to find out your BMR and TDEE numbers.
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    Thats what happened to me! so i wasn't as careful in counting my calories ate basically the same but maybe a few calories more and i started loosing all of a sudden! so depending how many calories u eat and your lifestyle it may be we dont eat enough! so try upping your cals a little and im sure u will start seeing results!
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I didn't look at your diary (cause I'm not an expert on the nutrition myself) but I know that you should look into new workouts. I'm a huge fan of the biggest loser, and Bob Harper suggested that in a plateau it is good to shock your body and do your workout backwards. You want to work out several times a week, but change up what you do so your body doesn't get comfortable. Keep challenging yourself.

    I suggest looking at HIIT training or maybe getting some kick butt workout DVDs

    Speaking of HIIT. Try this! Been using this system for over a year now and I am down from a 30% body fat to a 12% body fat. The fun thing is you get to make up your own work out and adjust it time wise to the level you are at. So the 20 seconds work can be 5 seconds and 20 seconds off or 30/30 when you become super awesome and take no breaks for 5 minutes. The work outs I usually set for one up and one down so your break is burned up getting your *kitten* up off the floor or back down. ha!! =0) Lemme know if you want some more help. Oh yea and up your calories for sure. I would shoot for 1400-1600 calories easily. A friend of mine bought a Body Media Fit and found out her 1600 calories her doc recommended wasnt even close..She was burning 3600 a day!! So yea you might be using more than you think...

    Ok so this is based on 8 rounds total 5 min of work per round and 1 minute off.

    20 seconds lunges
    10 seconds break
    20 seconds sit ups
    10 seconds break
    20 seconds squats
    10 seconds break
    20 seconds bicycles (core)
    10 seconds break
    20 seconds high knees
    10 seconds break
    20 seconds plank
    10 seconds break
    20 seconds step ups
    10 seconds break
    20 seconds push ups
    10 seconds break
    20 seconds jumping jacks
    10 seconds break
    20 seconds mountain climbers
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    In addition to the advice about actually eating more I'm going to add eat more protein. You're pretty low on protein overall and MFPs default for protein is low, so its GOOD to go over their recommendation on protein. You can change the percent in custom settings if you want. It's generally accepted that 40/30/30 is a good ratio carbs/protein/fat.
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    bump for the HIIT schedule
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    Why do you use oil for scrambled eggs? There's no need. 2 eggs, dash of milk and in the microwave, stop it every 20 secs for whip with a fork. Perfect eggs.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Eat more!

    I plateud at a 15lb loss and took a better look at what my daily stats looked like and did some research and realised i was signifcantly under. Bumped my cals up a wee bit (small transitions work best for me) and have lost another 5lbs since.
  • Rikki007s
    Rikki007s Posts: 102 Member
    I'd say you need to at least net your BMR everyday. Anything less can make it hard for you to lose weight. I'm not an expert by any means, but many people reach this point and it seems the only solution that works consistently is to eat as much as your body needs while still creating a weekly deficit. You can figure out your stats at