Help! So CONFUSED about my BF% numbers!

Ok I need help!
According to my BMI- I am 1 point over and in the obese category.
I'm 202 lbs. 5' 7" and my goal weight is 150-160.
While reading a different forum on eating more to lose more, it included a link to start at, which was the Covert Bailey BF% calculator, to find out my bf% first. I entered all my info and measurements and my results were this:

Lean body mass: 138
67 lbs of fat on my body
BF% 32.5

My body fat % is still in the normal range for my age (32) So when I enter what I would like my body fat % to be, and it gives me a goal weight, I entered 25% and it says my goal weight should be 181 lbs. But my goal weight is 150-160. I know I would not be happy being 181... well I would be happierrrr lol but not finished and content.
What am I doing wrong? I'm not understanding how I can be obese on one thing, and within normal limits on the BF%, and why it would give me a goal weight of 181? (Note: I understand that a BMI calculator and BF% calculator are two different things lol)

Thanks for any help you can offer :(


  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    They are all just estimations. They try to be accurate for as many people as possible, but it'll differ from person to person. That's also why you see a normal range rather than a specific weight target. You're ideal is just lower in the target range than the value you listed.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    choose an ideal body fat % and work toward that instead of the scale numbers. too complicated that way and youll have to change it all the time cause you cant predict gains in muscle and loss of fat ahead of time and you have no idea what your final score will be. I was aiming for 155 and 25% bf as my first goal - I reached 25% at 176 lbs.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Bodyfat estimations are just that, estimations. The further you are away, the less accurate they are. When I was in the high 20%'s I thought the Navy formula was accurate for me. Now that I'm much lower it says I have a BF% of about 1%, LOL.

    All of the tape formulas break down eventually. Once details start coming in, photos become a much better tool since with details you can generally estimate to a reasonable degree of accuracy solely off visual cues.