Over 50 - Menopause - Hard to lose!

I don't post often - but wondered if anyone else has experienced this. Since entering menopause (at age 45) and especially after turning 50, I have such a hard time losing weight. It seems like if I just smell food, I gain weight. I know our metabolism slows down - but geezzz - this is horrible. My waist is GONE - I am eating right (most of the time) ,and exercising - seeing a little progress - but not like I when I was 30. Anyone with suggestions, ideas?


  • heygirl1954
    Be patient!!!! It will come off with the right diet and exercise...I did find the exercise( cardio) to help me the very most and it dropped off.
  • mojomcgee
    mojomcgee Posts: 50
    I'm 49 and am experiencing the same thing. My 51 year old husband has lost more weight than me without even trying!!! I can only admit that I don't drop any weight unless I eat way under my allotted 1200 calories (I mean like 1000 or less) for several consecutive days (like a week) then I feel starved and I go back to my 1200 where I stay until I do it again. The 1200 only seems to stop me from gaining but doesn't help me lose. Also if I can eat healthier in the day and skip eating after 7 it really helps but I find that very difficult with our schedules. And I never eat the extra calories I earn from exercising - if I do I don't drop the weight. I'm probably not doing it right but that seems to be what I need to do to get my body to cooperate with me and drop the pounds. Good luck.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    get a pedometer or a HRM, use it faithfully, and increase your exercise at lot.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    and drink a ton of water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Minerva
    Minerva Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 49 and am experiencing the same thing. My 51 year old husband has lost more weight than me without even trying!!! I can only admit that I don't drop any weight unless I eat way under my allotted 1200 calories (I mean like 1000 or less) for several consecutive days (like a week) then I feel starved and I go back to my 1200 where I stay until I do it again. The 1200 only seems to stop me from gaining but doesn't help me lose. Also if I can eat healthier in the day and skip eating after 7 it really helps but I find that very difficult with our schedules. And I never eat the extra calories I earn from exercising - if I do I don't drop the weight. I'm probably not doing it right but that seems to be what I need to do to get my body to cooperate with me and drop the pounds. Good luck.

    I'm 51 and started menopause at 45. I gained 20 from menopause and another 30 when I quit smoking the next year. I lost 25 pounds 3 years ago but still have 50 to go to get to where I want to be.

    My weight loss has ground to a halt these past 3 years even though I have upped my exercise to what I would not have believed possible 3 years ago. I now run 4-6 miles MWF's, am a 1st degree Black Belt in TaeKwon-Do and am working toward my 2nd degree. I am at the dojang at least 3x week either attending class or teaching a class.

    BUT- I have found that she is right. I will only lose weight if I drop to 1000 calories or less. I can do it in spurts like she mentioned and I will drop 9 pounds/gain back 5 but keep the net loss of 4. Then I do it again. This way I am able to lose some and keep it off. I have gotten to the point where I don't really care what I have to do to get it off as long as it does.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I started menopause 2 years ago after a full hysterectomy. It was then that I put my focus on being more healthy so I have lost weight since then. It is possible to lose weight with the right amount of healthy food and exercise
  • debback56
    debback56 Posts: 2 Member
    I am right there with you. I am 53 and the things that worked for me to lose weight at 30 and even at 40 are not working at 50. Two things I know I need to do though is to exercise more and drink more water. I am fine drinking water at home, but hate drinking it at work, and I spend 9-10 hours a day at work. Yuck. It is very frustrating though. The metabolism has definitely changed, we just have to find the right combination to get it going again. I have lost 9 pounds so far, and didn't gain over the holidays, so at least that is good. I seem to be stuck at the 10 pound mark and need to get over that hump so I can lose another 50.
  • ontheedge50
    ontheedge50 Posts: 31 Member
    It's so frustrating! But nice to know I'm not alone. I'll be 51 this year and will celebrate my second anniversary of being a non smoker in March!! I've been diagnosed with thyroid disease and I've gained 25 pounds in the last couple of years. It's all I can to hold it there. I did loose a couple of pounds last spring but have since put them back on. It use to be so easy. Smoke more eat less and boom there goes 5 pounds. hahaha If any of you find the magic step that works, please share!!