I'm Tired of Breaking My New Years Wishes!

I made up in my mind two months ago that it was time to dust off my News Years wish list (for the last 6 years) and actually fulfill the number one item: weight loss. I am sick and tired of celebrating another year with the thought that I did not do what I said I was going to do... Nor did I try.

Hi, my name is Ashley. I decided two months ago that 2012 will be the year that I achieve my goals of a healthy lifestyle. I am a young 24-year-old professional who stands at about 5'5" tall and weighted 188.8lbs. Most of my weight is carried in my tummy and really no where else. I cringe when strangers ask me when I'm due to deliver my baby when, in reality, I'm not pregnant (nor have I ever been). I simply ate a juicy hamburger and happen to be full. I get frustrated when my feet swell and I can't fit my shoes (too much sodium, not enough water/exercise). And of course, there are the clothes. I'm young and full of life! I want to be able to wear all of the cute dresses if I decided to go a night out on the town.

In early March, I kicked off my mission to get fit and fabulous. To date, I weigh 179.4. I feel great. I've been told I look great but I know I have so much more work to do. I look forward to building a community of friends who are in this struggle with me. At times, it's not easy. I get frustrated when my weight hardly moves and I sometimes get bored with working out.

Perhaps you all can be my cyber brothers and sisters pushing me to the end! :happy:


  • goldengodd3ss
    goldengodd3ss Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Wisco!

    I am glad you are taking your health goals seriously this round and have been successful thus far. I started taking it seriously in the middle of February and so far have lost 11 pounds.

    I'd be pleased to have you as a friend so we can encourage each other along the way. I have an open diary and make it a point to check on my friends and comment on their progress. Send a friend request along if you like. :flowerforyou:

    By the way, it takes a lot of guts to share what you did. I too have a belly, and rather than people asking when I'm due, they ask when I'm going to start a family or if I have a family. I'm kinda tired of it and want to be proud of my body.
  • wiscogurl
    wiscogurl Posts: 6
    Hi! Let's definitely link up to encourage one another. I've been at this since the beginning of March and I'm making very slow progress. I'm trying not to get discouraged but it's hard. I find myself not even wanting to workout anymore and that's not a good thing. I need to change it up and find another thing that will motivate me again. Any tips?
  • notpregnant23
    notpregnant23 Posts: 27 Member
    hey i know exactly how you feel! most of my weight is on my stomach too and i dread everytime somebody asks me when i'm due or how far along i am. (i've never been pregnant) i'll be your support buddy, add me. :)