darn taco salad

My coworkers were getting taco bell today....had to think quick ...thought the taco salad would be the best choice....:noway: ......850 calories.........ouch........turned out to be the worst choice......but boy was it good!!!!!!


  • webebeer
    My coworkers were getting taco bell today....had to think quick ...thought the taco salad would be the best choice....:noway: ......850 calories.........ouch........turned out to be the worst choice......but boy was it good!!!!!!
  • greenbean
    greenbean Posts: 17 Member
    just remeber to order soft tacos and stuff fresca style they are much lower in cal.
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    i did the same thing with subway.. i found that i could have had a veggie pizza sub instead of their veggie pizza and saved 300 calories... garsh:grumble:
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I like to be prepared, obsessively so, if you ask my friends. So one day I started looking up calorie counts of my favorite foods at resaurants and was shocked to see how much they are. I have a small note book now and when I have time, I look up lower calorie options and jot them down. Then when I'm at Taco Bell or Dairy Queen or wherever, I can look up quickly to see what my best choice is. Saves struggling over the nutrition chart and possibly ordering something I really want over something I know I should be having. It's not foolproof, but it helps. I think it's the refried beans at taco bell that kill you because the bean burritos are high in everything.....
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    Try the taco salad without the beans, don't eat the shell and leave off the sour cream. its reasonable then.