Calling MFP's who work from home!!

InOneness Posts: 21 Member
Looking for others who are in the process of lifestyle changes regarding food and fitness... and who work from home! The kitchen is entirely too close... LOL and work schedule can be all consuming leaving little time to get into a fitness routine.

I've been on and off again with MFP and have tried to do this on my own since joining, but now I am looking to share this journey and all its challenges (and rewards!) with like-minded folks. Looking for encouragement, motivation, accountability, friendship and fun!

Hit me up if you are interested in doing this thing together! And if you don;t work from home and would just like some encouragement and support, it's all good!! :happy:


  • NavaGirl35
    NavaGirl35 Posts: 36
    24/7 mom here, always need new friends with motivation and support.... I just started working from home so looking forward for that to take off...... add me....I’m in....
  • mrf330
    mrf330 Posts: 19 Member
    I work from home as well (mostly). You're right that having the kitchen so close can be a problem. But I'm trying to turn it into more of a health advantage by taking short exercise breaks during the day. At least so far....
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    I am a home daycare provider, so I know what you mean about the kitchen being to close, luckily I have to feed the children healthy so that keeps me eating healthy too. Feel free to add me!
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    If it counts I buy more food to keep at work than I do at home :-D

    I spread my food out so I'm eating something every 30-45 minutes so I need to have food as close as possible at all times. I even keep lots of canned/packaged things in my backpack just in case lol.

    I'm going for weight gain right now but when I was cutting fat I did this as well. I spent a year working down 20ish pounds eating 2-3 meals and a few snacks a day. A couple months ago, I started spreading my meals out into smaller meals and more snacks, but kept doing my same exact exercise routine. In just over 2 months I've lost somewhere in between 30-40 lbs.

    Let's put it this way. In those two months I hadn't seen my sister-in-law. I visited them about 2 1/2 weeks ago and she showed me a picture. It was a split of two pictures, one side was a marathon runner, and the other a sprint runner. She pointed to the marathon runner and told me that I looked just like him. He looked border-line holocaust survivor to me. I hadn't noticed I dropped weight that fast, hence the weight gaining thing now...

    If you are at home, take advantage of the chance to eat constantly all day long. Your metabolism will be ON FIRE!
  • InOneness
    InOneness Posts: 21 Member
    Darth8... I can appreciate the eating small meals all through the day... but I am curious... How many calories do you eat a day, if you don't mind me asking?? I am eating 1300 a day and run into the problem of causing my metabolism to actually slow down due to the restriction. I would not be opposed to increasing my calorie intake and spreading it out over 6 - 8 meals, if if meant that my metabolism would be on fire!!

    awestbrook713... lol... I can relate to the children at home as I was a stay at home mom... but alas that was a few years ago... my youngest daughter just turned 20!

    mrf330... I would be interested to know how the taking the exercise breaks is working out.... and how you set up your workout routines during your workday... lol... looking for some creativity and how others are making it work!

    Thanks guys and feel free to add me - sorry I am so new to this I am not really sure how to go about adding you guys! :-)

    Blessings to all!
  • b0mbersfan
    b0mbersfan Posts: 16 Member
    I've worked from home for about 1-1/2 years now. The only way it works for me is to treat it like a job. I get up, get showered and dressed and go to work. I come up for coffee after about an hour and go back to work until lunchtime. At lunch, I come to my kitchen and usually grab a leftover from last night or I always have bagged salad. If you keep the bad stuff out of the house, its easy to eat a quality lunch.

    Then I go back to work. It gets hard in the later part of the day when I'm thinking about getting dinner going but again, my job requires that I answer the phone and be on the computer. Its just like going to the office, but my co-workers are miles and miles away.

    Try hard to keep work and home separate. Don't work at 10:00 at night if that's not in your work hours... things like that.
  • InOneness
    InOneness Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks bOmbersfan for the good tips... I think that I really do need to take that approach... I need to set a work schedule and not mix my personal with work.... Being my own boss gives me the flexibility I love, but I find that when I am home I work all the time. It's hard to keep the two separate, but maybe with a more "traditional" approach I won't feel the need to work ALL the time. Thanks again for sharing what works for you and good luck on your journey! Blessings~