
audtod Posts: 12 Member
I have always been 126 lbs, give or take a pound, I then gave up the cigs ( delighted, best thing ever ) I have now gained 28lb. My honest advice to people in the past was, exercise more than you eat, easy, peasy, it is amazing the ****e you can come out with when you have not experienced something for yourself. I am determined to learn from this when dealing with people and listening to others problems, it really is like the saying goes ' walk in someone elses shoes'.
Talking of walking, I put books into a small suitcase and weighed out two stone on the scales, I was amazed at the extra weight I am carrying about every day.
I know I have to stop the unhealthy eating or I will be as unhealthy as I was on the cigs.
As I am reading through peoples weight loss stats, I just think how their lives must have and are changing completly and it really is heart warming, and fantastic that there is a place to share it. Well done my fitness pal :) and to everyone else for that matter