anyone ever do a juice fast?

i have done 7 day juice fasts in the past and am thinking about doing one next month. please add me if your interested or have done juice fasts. it would really be cool to find some juice fasting friends!


  • GinaMauricio17
    GinaMauricio17 Posts: 69 Member
    aww nobody? i got into it after watching fat sick and nearly dead while i was out of work sick. it helped with my immune system a lot and i havent been getting sick like i was last year.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    There's no scientific evidence that juice fasts have any net benefit beyond a regular healthy, balanced diet. There is plenty of scientific evidence that juice fasts can lead to vitamin deficiencies and other unwanted side effects.

    Be wary of anything that promises to "clean toxins". What toxins are these, and where do they go? Unless you've been eating fertilizer and washing it down with antifreeze, your body is already doing all that for you.
  • GinaMauricio17
    GinaMauricio17 Posts: 69 Member
    the toxins get secreted from your body from glans and from bodily functions. while fasting you get bad breath because your tongue is a big part of your body thats secrets toxins. you also can break out from your skin getting rid of toxins. thats a common thing to happen to people who eat really healthy. people have been fasting for thousands of years. and sometimes your body can get rid of these toxins fast enough on their own. you are still taking in calories with juice fasting and your body takes in vitamins better because your blood stream is cleaner. im not saying live your life like this but its actually really good to do once in a while.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    I think fasting every once in a while is a healthy thing but I'm not really into it on a regular basis. I've watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead as well and thought it was a great documentary! Good luck and I hope you have fun with it.
  • steinbok
    steinbok Posts: 82
    I'll agree on "the toxins have to go somewhere" Tongue, sweat glands, breath, "disposal centers". I've known people who have done juice fasts. I've done one "fast" where all I did was blend fruit. I did it for 5 days. Can't say I felt any better, but that was a while ago. I probably lost a few #, but it was probably water.

    Periodic fasts are good occasionally. It's a way to "clear out"

    Has anyone tried senna tea before?