What about alcohol?



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    This is such a difficult topic. Sometimes with the stresses of work, I need to have a few glasses of wine at night. Then, on weekends, I might drink more. It's tough for sure. I used to not count alcohol at all, and I lost weight. Then, I started counting it and realized how much it contributed to empty calories, so I stoppped drinking during the week. I lost about 8 lbs just from that alone. Now, I try to not drink during the week, although I slip a lot. Last night a had two beers. But, that's really nothing considering I used to have 12 or more.

    So, there this thing about enjoying your life too. That's where it gets tough. So, here's my current thing. During the week, little to no alchohol. Weekends are open season. Thats about it.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    I'm drinking beer right now! :D

    haha! I hope you are in a different time zone from me as this was posted 7.58am my time!

    It's noon o'clock somewhere.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    So, there this thing about enjoying your life too.

    I think it is sad and pathetic to go through life thinking you need the numbing effects of alcohol to enjoy it
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member

    So, there this thing about enjoying your life too.

    I think it is sad and pathetic to go through life thinking you need the numbing effects of alcohol to enjoy it

    I enjoy my life sober. I enjoy alcohol as well. Its sad and pathetic you have to confuse the two.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have read that it promotes fat storage - think it was Jillian Michaels. And back in the day when Body for Life was the rage, Bill Phillips said it was a big no, no for anyone watching calories (empty calories).

    I also drink a glass (or two) of wine 3-4 days per week. Convinced it was holding back my weight loss, I went cold turkey for a week to see if that got me "unstuck." No change. Didn't lose or gain. So I continue to drink, but make sure it is within my calorie allotment - don't go over two drinks and make sure that a healthy meal is already waiting for me so I don't give in and eat the crap my hubby consumes.
    It does NOT "promote" fat storage. You do not store any more fat than you would eating the same number of calories without the alcohol. If maintenance is 2000 calories and you eat and drink 2500 calories, you will store 500 calories. If you just eat 2500 calories, you will still store 500 calories. If you eat 1500 calories, you will burn 500 calories of stored fat. If you eat and drink 1500 calories, you will still burn 500 calories of stored fat.

    The problem with all the "DON'T DO IT YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY STORE FAT" kinds of claims, with any food, not just alcohol, is the dishonesty factor. If you drink alcohol and eat food at the same time, will the alcohol get metabolized first? Yes. Does that mean other food you ate will end up being stored as fat until the alcohol is metabolized? Possibly, depends on the food (fat and carbs can be stored relatively easily for later processing, protein can't.) Does that change overall fat storage or calorie burn over a 24 hour period? No. Food is stored as fat all the time, even without alcohol, and dosed out as needed. The only thing that matters is a 24 hour overall total.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    @tigersword - Love this response. So many things get a bad rap from not fully understanding the processes of the body and how we use what we put in as fuel and what we burn and store and how it happens. Thanks for this post...

    Hope ppl read and understand, its a matter of things in moderation, and OVERALL, healthier more sensible choices not a matter of NEVER having this or that.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I have read that it promotes fat storage - think it was Jillian Michaels. And back in the day when Body for Life was the rage, Bill Phillips said it was a big no, no for anyone watching calories (empty calories).

    I also drink a glass (or two) of wine 3-4 days per week. Convinced it was holding back my weight loss, I went cold turkey for a week to see if that got me "unstuck." No change. Didn't lose or gain. So I continue to drink, but make sure it is within my calorie allotment - don't go over two drinks and make sure that a healthy meal is already waiting for me so I don't give in and eat the crap my hubby consumes.
    It does NOT "promote" fat storage. You do not store any more fat than you would eating the same number of calories without the alcohol. If maintenance is 2000 calories and you eat and drink 2500 calories, you will store 500 calories. If you just eat 2500 calories, you will still store 500 calories. If you eat 1500 calories, you will burn 500 calories of stored fat. If you eat and drink 1500 calories, you will still burn 500 calories of stored fat.

    The problem with all the "DON'T DO IT YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY STORE FAT" kinds of claims, with any food, not just alcohol, is the dishonesty factor. If you drink alcohol and eat food at the same time, will the alcohol get metabolized first? Yes. Does that mean other food you ate will end up being stored as fat until the alcohol is metabolized? Possibly, depends on the food (fat and carbs can be stored relatively easily for later processing, protein can't.) Does that change overall fat storage or calorie burn over a 24 hour period? No. Food is stored as fat all the time, even without alcohol, and dosed out as needed. The only thing that matters is a 24 hour overall total.

    Yep - per my second paragraph - that is pretty much where I have landed. I don't understand the biology/chemistry science behind the claims (eyes glaze over) and my rather unscientific approach has shown me for me it doesn't seem to help my weight loss to not drink. I prefer to budget for my alcohol and enjoy it.
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    Drinking for me isn't a problem because of the calories. My problem is I tend to get hangovers worse than most people. That means I have a really hard time working out the next day. I simply cannot work out when I'm hungover. I've reduced my drinking purely for this fact. I feel awful when I don't workout simply because I drank too much the night before. :sad:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Drinking for me isn't a problem because of the calories. My problem is I tend to get hangovers worse than most people. That means I have a really hard time working out the next day. I simply cannot work out when I'm hungover. I've reduced my drinking purely for this fact. I feel awful when I don't workout simply because I drank too much the night before. :sad:

    This too. Well, except, I can workout on a hang over. I ran a 10k on one of the worst hangovers I ever had. LOL. It was really hard, but when I was finished, I felt great. LOL. Mind over matter. But, I tend to not workout on a hang over, so to me it has a double effect...too many cals while drinking, and then no working out the next day. So, drinking is bad. I have slowed way way way down from where I was before. So, that's good, right?
  • allylbrown
    I def think it has a lot to do with age and metabolism! I have really noticed since turning 40 that it is impossible for me to lose this extra 10 lbs while drinking. I try to only drink red wine once a week but the prob is we go out and that could equal at least 5 drinks...Which is completely empty calories...It's hard but I am really going to try and abstain for awhile. I am 45 a runner and weigh 126, my usual wt before my 40's was 110-116. I also notice that I can not exercise effectively after drinking (again got worse with age!). I am really trying to train more for my running so I am going to try really hard to cut back on the wine. Wish me luck, btw my knickname is allyredwine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Alcohol suppresses testosterone which reduces your gains from working out.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member

    So, there this thing about enjoying your life too.

    I think it is sad and pathetic to go through life thinking you need the numbing effects of alcohol to enjoy it

    It doesn't matter what you think.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    For me alcohol consumption = no weight loss. Is that other people's experience. I've made the commitment to NO booze for a week to see what happens. I enjoy a drink or two after work, but I think it's really holding me back. Thoughts?

    Technically alcohol is a depressant and will have a negative impact on your metabolism. I can't tell you how to measure it other than to trial and error for yourself. Obviously the easiest recommendation is to not drink if you can but that's easier said than done sometimes.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    So, there this thing about enjoying your life too.

    I think it is sad and pathetic to go through life thinking you need the numbing effects of alcohol to enjoy it

    It doesn't matter what you think.

    it matters that you missed the point
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    For me alcohol consumption = no weight loss. Is that other people's experience. I've made the commitment to NO booze for a week to see what happens. I enjoy a drink or two after work, but I think it's really holding me back. Thoughts?

    If those few drinks are putting you over your calorie goal for the day then yes it's holding you back. Also if you're skipping nutritious food in order to fit in a 'liquid' diet then obviously that's not healthy either. A lot of people will budget in their calories enough room for a glass of wine or a beer in the evening. Got to make sure it fits into those calories!
  • gregarybrown72
    gregarybrown72 Posts: 25 Member
    A calories is a calorie is a calorie. If you have to drink, avoid mixed drinks (with juices and coke, ect). These are high calorie traps. Do drink shots preferably whiskey. Its easier to count those drinks. About 75 cals per shot. Lastly, Miller makes a 55cal beer and Bud makes a 64 cal beer. So, if your working out consistently, you'll still lose weight as long as you have a cal deficit. 3 beers and 3 shots will cost you about 400 cals.
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    Just my $0.02 worth

    many posters that post about "a drink or two" after work each night will eventually come to admitting it's much more than 1 or 2 and usually every night. 2 different issues at play here... the calories are one thing and if you are honest about how many drinks, that's simple to account for. Many of us still drink and have no issues with the weight loss portion.

    The bigger issue much of the time is the "habit" of drinking every night after work... the effects from that can be much more far reaching. Some people realize that the habit has become more than a habit. If you can stop completely for a while, I would recommend it. For both weight loss and breaking the habit.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I've cut back quite a bit, but need to cut back more. I log it and fit it into my diary...basically, I plan for it ahead of time. I know I need a couple hundred calories at the end of the day for my couple of vodka tonics and frankly, that's what most of my cardio burn buys back. I've been stepping it down a bit at a time as a part of my overall lifestyle change, but it is difficult. I grew pretty accustomed to coming home and getting things started with a couple of shots and then a 6er of good beer throughout the evening. Now I pretty much limit it to a couple glasses of wine or 2-3 vodka diet tonics. Weekends are pretty much open season, and I'm not gonna lie...I love to party hardy. I'll be starting at the gym next week so I think that's going to go a long way in keeping me dry, at least on gym nights. Other nights, I just need to exercise more self control. My achilles heal is when I'm cooking...and I do 99% of the cooking around my house...I love having a drink or two while I'm working in the kitchen.
  • naveed1naveed
    ...I love having a drink or two while I'm working in the kitchen.

    A glass of red wine, while making tacos. I just can't resist that
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Everything in moderation I say!! I've been drinking a couple of glasses of wine every 3-4 days for years and have been the same weight for 8+ years.