A week ago...

Cirrex Posts: 4 Member
On Wed the 16th I stepped on the scale and saw 280lbs. It hit me that I was not very far from 300. With a young son I was having trouble keeping up with and a wife that deserved so much more (or less) from me, I decided I needed to do something. I stumbled out of luck across MFP on the itunes site.

The first day was a HUGE wake up call. I got serious after that. I forgot what it was like to feel hungry before I eat! Snacks, big portions, and eating whatever I wanted was ... suprise suprise, not healthy.

One week down. I have lost 5 lbs. Exercised every day. Kept well below my calorie count each day. And I have experienced something I wasn't expecting: FUN. It has actually been fun, and I have not been tempted by nearly so much as I thought I would. I have never really dieted before. I'm not sure I would even call this a diet. It's more like "being aware" and making informed decisions.

I look forward to where this will lead me.


  • scorpia1977
    scorpia1977 Posts: 76 Member

    Oh my gosh...................that is GREAT and GOOD for YOU!

    MFP is terrific and you are now apart of the MFP family.

    Feel free to add me, if you would like. :)
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Yay for you :happy:
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    thats fantastic, and your right, its not a diet, it a life change. congradulations.