Do you still indulge in a drink or two?



  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I never really did. I never cared for the taste of alcohol in any shape, unless it was really really diluted in a mixed drink.
  • chelljo12
    chelljo12 Posts: 187 Member
    Sounds delish, will have to try that... we are having Margaritas tonight!!! Happy Hour at Cilantros is the best!!!!!
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I was only drinking rum and diet coke since February but now that I am maintaining I allow myself to drink beer :)

    Loooove wine but can't drink it due to the migraine it gives me.
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    I drink on a regular basis. Although, I am sure that it may have slowed my weight loss down some, I am still losing and I don't plan on giving up my wine.
  • mail704m
    mail704m Posts: 41 Member
    I have a one beer or one glass of wine every night and on Sat. more than one.

    Me too... it's about moderation. Having a drink a day (one serving) has no longterm health costs, in fact many researchers will tell you it's healthy (depending on what you drink). I have an ounce and a half of Crown Royal with diet mix, and perhaps on Friday two. But I don't binge or overindulge. One bad side effect of "going out and drinking" is the food you consume in addition to the booze... that pizza, or whatever on the way home...

    Life is about balance, and moderation.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    If I have to give up beer, then this whole thing ain't WORTH it to me! And no light beer, either.........ick.

    I like to indulge a few times a week - seems that Mondays are a good day, maybe Thursday, and then one weekend night. And I have more than 2, most times ;)

    It probably has slowed my progress some - but I am 57 years old, and I've lost over 20 lbs, and I know that my life has changed and I will continue on this path. If I can't enjoy my life NOW, then when will I? My health is excellent, and there's not a reason in the world for me to give up the things I enjoy!

    So, imho, DRINK UP, people. If you enjoy it, go for it. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    You can work it off :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    I enjoy my beer and cocktails. There is this song by this awesome band..."On Tuesdays"...

    ...♫♫ I'm drunk on Tuesday - couldn't make it half way to the week ♫♫...

    I like to drink and banter with my friends. I don't think its haulting my progress at all. I make sure it fits into my calorie allowance. *shrug*

    I agree and i wouldn't feel bad about drinking a bottle of wine. (yes a bottle) Better then wolfing down a large pizza. Unless of course your drunken hungry hungry hippo comes out and drinks the bottle and orders the large pizza.... :/
  • Calliesmom1
    Calliesmom1 Posts: 78
    I dont count my cals on the weekends. I still lose a pound a week. ususally more. This week 1.2! So saturday we are gonna make a vokada watermelon and im gonna drink some fruity wine coolers. We r hitting the beach!! So far it hasnt hurt my weight loss. Last weekend i drank like a gallon of carnberry juice and vokda. Happy drinking!
  • kgilbert75
    kgilbert75 Posts: 70 Member
    I drink 4-5 days/week and have managed to lose 70 pounds (13 more to go!). As long as I log my calories I'm fine. I love white wine, but try to not drink it as often as 1 glass turns into 4 for me - it just goes down too smooth =)
    Having a drink or two (or more socially) is my way of unwinding and it's something that I don't intend to give up. Plus my husband loves how frisky I get when I'm drinking =)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I will occasionally have a Mike's but I do try to stay away from regular margaritas and daiquiris as they as loaded with sugar and a bazillion calories. The Skinny Girl line is good for those kinds. :)

    I love Mike's but I rarely drink them due to calorie count. I can have 2 glasses of wine for every one bottle of Mike's.
  • temsabi
    temsabi Posts: 45 Member
    I only drink after the clock strikes noon...well, except on special occasions, like Sundays.

    I drink on the weekends and have a drink or two once or twice during the week. I'm still losing weight. I have cut alcohol out of my diet in the past and lost even faster, but depriving myself of alcohol just to be thin kind of defeats the purpose of why I want to lose weight in the first place: to get greater enjoyment out of life. Any diet that absolutely forbids anything isn't a diet I will be following. Ever.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    I drink 6-7 beers on Saturdays an occasionally 1-2 on Fridays. I've been doing it since I started out at 185 lbs and have never had issues.
  • shawn46106
    shawn46106 Posts: 41 Member
    6 pack on the weekends. no issues.
  • darla100
    darla100 Posts: 134 Member
    A life without beer or whiskey is not a life worth living.

    So frickin true!! I have a beer, or whiskey with diet sprite every night..and lots more on the weekends..not something I will give up..I do work my *kitten* off for those extra calories tho! :)
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    Almost every night.
  • Saezimmerman
    Saezimmerman Posts: 93 Member
    I still drink, but a lot less then I used to. Usually drinking heavily leads to poor food choices but have found if you track the calories and still make sure you are getting all your nutrients throughout the day, a drink here and there is not going to have a profound effect.

    This is me too. I still drink a glass of wine or two at dinner but my husband and I don't kill the bottle in a night anymore. :blushing:

    I found that I had to cut down on the booze because it was causing a few negative side effects: higher blood pressure, more head-aches, and a strong desire to eat a pint of ice cream in a single sitting.

    Lately, I've been playing with different ways to cook fish and some new veggie dishes. There were two occasions this week that I was too full to eat anything else and had a beer to get my UP past 1200 calories.
  • jendan44
    jendan44 Posts: 20
    Thanks for all the replies.And thanks for the reminder that wine does have some health benefits. I am glad to know that many of us still enjoy that drink. I too have cut down since tracking and watching my food intake over the last few years.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    We aren't big drinkers but now & then a blue agave margarita at our favorite Mexican restaurant is a luscious treat. Calories be damned once in a while!
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Almost a beer or two every night. (if I have the calories) But I log it in my diary. It is my reward for working hard, eating right and exercising. I find myself working out even harder or longer to earn my beer calories. :)
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Almost a beer or two every night. (if I have the calories) But I log it in my diary. It is my reward for working hard, eating right and exercising. I find myself working out even harder or longer to earn my beer calories. :)

    you rock!