Overcoming a lack of energy

About 2 weeks ago I decided to kick my weight loss plans into high gear. I began the Brazil Butt Lift workout DVDs. So far I really love them! They give you a program/calendar to follow specific to your body type and goals. It also comes with a diet plan, but I chose to go without the diet plan on week one. This week I have begun their diet, and I have to say it's really surprising how much I am eating. I realize now that you really need to focus on WHAT you're eating rather than how MUCH you're eating. I haven't weighed myself since I began this system, but plan to do so within the next week so I'll let you know if I've made any progress!

For me personally, as I gained weight I had a huge loss of energy. Now that I'm pushing myself to complete a challenging 50-70 minute workout everyday I'm feeling so much more energy! I've got more motivation to get things done throughout the day, and the more I work out the less I crave greasy food! I'm slowly adjusting to looking at food as a source of fuel for my body. Back to the topic of emphasizing what you eat instead of how much you eat, I find that I'm not hungry or feeling undernourished if I eat good "power" foods all throughout the day.

I plan to continue my Brazil workout DVD's until I get through 60 days, hoping I will feel great about myself by then. It will be about a week before my 27th birthday and I want to wear a cute little dress out that I can't as of now. I highly reccommend these workouts to females, as they are all designed around a woman's body, to give us a beautiful sihouette...keeping our curves, but smoothing out the lumps!