Question about calorie intake

I am 5'3" 128 right now. My goal daily calorie intake as calculated by the website is 1,315 calories. It has taken me some time to figure out how to distribute my calories so that I am eating this many per day, but I have learned that planning my meals a day ahead of time makes it easier to get all of my calories in.

I also workout 5 times per week for 30 minutes a day on the elliptical or treadmill (burning an average of 310 calories in 30 minutes). Does this mean I am supposed to eat 310 extra calories daily? I'm just confused because wouldn't that cancel out the calories that I burned? Thanks!


  • leg8
    leg8 Posts: 49
    I am 5'3" 128 right now. My goal daily calorie intake as calculated by the website is 1,315 calories. It has taken me some time to figure out how to distribute my calories so that I am eating this many per day, but I have learned that planning my meals a day ahead of time makes it easier to get all of my calories in.

    I also workout 5 times per week for 30 minutes a day on the elliptical or treadmill (burning an average of 310 calories in 30 minutes). Does this mean I am supposed to eat 310 extra calories daily? I'm just confused because wouldn't that cancel out the calories that I burned? Thanks!
  • mel555
    I also do not understand this. I burned almost 500 calories today at the gym and when I did not eat the 1200 calories that I am alloted each day, it said that I needed to eat more so that my body would not go into starvation mode. I am so confused!!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member

    We need to find the other discussions for you guys, so you can read it. :laugh:

    Let's see. MFP as already figured out your deficit. That 1,315 calories is what you should be eating includes the deficit already based on your BMR.

    You exercising is INCREASING your deficit and therefore, you are 'allowed' to eat your burned calories because you only really want to lose 1-2 lbs a week and not more. But if you are NOT hungry, you don't need to eat all of your exercise calories but if you are hungry, then go ahead and eat some of your excerise calories.

    No, you are not cancelling out your efforts for the day.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Yes, eat your calories earned by exercise.

    You have to EAT to LOSE. Your calories given to you of 1300 already have figured in a DAILY 500 calorie deficit. these links will keep you busy for a while. Very educational, and there is a lot more if you read through past posts.
  • leg8
    leg8 Posts: 49
    Thanks so much, I understand it now. I just realized that my BMR is 1,800 calories so it makes sense that I should need 1,300 minimum, even with exercise. Thank you:happy:
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    I have read many many posts on this subject and most of us have come to the conclusion that we should in fact be eating back those calories burned. However, most machines and estimates of calories burned are slightly inaccurate! To play it safe I only eat back about 60-70% of what I have burned.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I have read many many posts on this subject and most of us have come to the conclusion that we should in fact be eating back those calories burned. However, most machines and estimates of calories burned are slightly inaccurate! To play it safe I only eat back about 60-70% of what I have burned.

    I agree which is why I always say, "yes, eat some of your calories...if you are hungry"

    All depends on if you are burning 200 to 1000 calories a day with exercise :smile:
  • leg8
    leg8 Posts: 49
    cmriverside, those post links were extremely helpful. I appreciate it!