NO to diets!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shajsum Posts: 121 Member
Hi, I just wanted to know if anyone out there has lost weight without "DIETING", just the good ole fashion way of a balanced diet and exercise , and would like to tell their success story to the rest of us who are struggling with diets..........INSPIRATION IS NEEDED!!!! Please tell us when you began, your HW and CW....thanks!!!! :-)


  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 342 Member
    I needed to lose about 30 pounds, and I knew that in order to maintain the loss, I'd need to do something other than diet. Diets are short term fixes. Lifestyle changes are what make the loss stick. So, I 'dieted' in the sense that I did restrict calories, and I exercised regularly, but now that I'm at maintenance, I haven't changed the way I eat. I just eat more cals.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    SW: 190
    GW: 157
    CW: 155

    I'm 33, 5'11. I have never followed a "diet" in my life. No Atkins, no Paleo, etc. I just reduced what I ate and exercised. It works, I swear.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Here are my stats:

    Age: 28
    Height: 5'6"
    SW: 230
    CW: 198
    GW: 170

    I don't diet. I don't follow a specific plan. I do count my calories so I know I'm eating less (our minds tend to trick us about food if we don't stay on top of's best to see it in black and white). I try to eat healthy. I exercise a lot. It works.

    Edit to say that I agree - this is a lifestyle change! If it's not permanent and something you can live with forever, it's not going to last.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    HW (and SW): 168 lbs.
    CW: 142 lbs.
    Height: 5' 2ish"
    Age: 18

    I have lost weight by eating tons of fruits and veggies, basically just eating right. I have tried diets before and they NEVER worked. At the beginning of this year I overheard my classmates snickering about me and I just said "enough is enough!". I stumbled across the MFP app and started using it. I was totally oblivious of the site! Anyone can do it if you put your mind to it and COMMIT to a LIFE STYLE change.

    Everyone, just "Keep Calm and Carry On" :flowerforyou:

    (P.S The word "DIE" is in "DIET")
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    depends on how you define "diet". if you mean "grapefruit diet" or "cabbage soup diet", then no thanks. but if you're talking about "south beach diet", well, that's another story altogether. to most people, that WOULD be a "diet", but it's actually just a balanced mix of lean protein, complex carbs, fruits, veggies, low fat dairy, and NO CRAP. you can't lose weight w/o taking in fewer calories than you expend, no matter what you call it.
  • 5 lbs lost in one month by focusing on balanced nutrition and fitness. I see you have Michelle Obama on your pic! Love her!! I've been studying on comprehensive site on proper nutrition and how to keep things balanced. I've only felt hungry once (today) on 1450 calories. (51yrs old 5'4'' and now 213 lbs) feel free to add me!!
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member is a lifestyle change.. And I don't "diet" either. There are foods I personally avoid because I haven't yet learned how to eat them in moderation I avoid fast food, but I always have it just doesn't taste good to me. However, i eat carbs, sugar, fruit, veggies, protein, dairy, and eat dessert every night. I have completely changed my lifestyle though and am much happier. I love being active, eating nutritious yummy foods, and the weight coming off is a fantastic "side effect".
  • gbg49229
    gbg49229 Posts: 57
    I did all kinds of "diets" then I did 90 days p90x and gained 2 pounds. started jogging 2 miles a day 4 days a week and making right food choices ! BAM big weight loss
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    depends on how you define "diet". if you mean "grapefruit diet" or "cabbage soup diet", then no thanks. but if you're talking about "south beach diet", well, that's another story altogether. to most people, that WOULD be a "diet", but it's actually just a balanced mix of lean protein, complex carbs, fruits, veggies, low fat dairy, and NO CRAP. you can't lose weight w/o taking in fewer calories than you expend, no matter what you call it.

    South Beach is balanced and healthy, but if you can't follow that plan forever, it's not a long terms solution. I can eat like I eat forever and not feel deprived. Giving up cake, cookies, and alcohol would set me into a feeding frenzy...
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    SW 155.1
    GW and CW 112.0
    took from January 6, 2011-Sept 21, 2011

    I ate/still eat Cheesesteaks every Monday :-) Moderation.. i would eat healthy all day (that's breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks) and then budget for the nutrition of a cheesesteak. I don't cook, i eat papa johns, chick-fil-a, arby's, 5-guys burgers on a day i workout a lot, pizza for lunch today... how? because i budget, count every single calorie and made sure to workout for 30-45 minutes.. if i missed a workout no problem, i would eat less and have something i really wanted the NEXT day if i did a workout. I now run half-marathons which is extreme however i didn't workout more than 45 minutes when i was in weight loss phase. I did count every single calorie religously, i also looked up restaurants BEFORE going and would modify food as needed, my struggle was/is french fries but i conquered them by eating 3 off a friends plate when dining out and replacing my own with either a salad.. or if a salad wasnt on there but something fatty was I'd replace with something i didn't like lol (i got a side because who wants a waitress begging you to order a side like the first time i tried to say nothing on side).
    Moderation worked, exercise and counting calories.. no extreme diets, no cheating, no extreme exercise (like i said i am more extreme now but 30-40 min a day of cardio was pre-maintenance), and bam i'm back in my high school size of 0-2 from a 12+ :-) I lost a pound a week on average, had 3 vacation during that loss period and went on maintenance for those weeks and was successful at maintaining while on vacation.
    You can do it! What woke me up? we did a weight loss challenge at work and i didn't want to come in last... i ended up in 1st and won $200 and now have lost 44 pounds and maintained since Sept 2011. There is no secret cheat method.. lifestyle change and calories in vs calories out.
    Good luck, you can all do it and please don't discriminate... carbs did nothing to you, either did pizza or cheesesteaks...... as long as consumed in moderation AND fit into the daily budget... and nutrition bands!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Everyone has a DIET. DIET is what you eat on a daily basis.

    Now if your talking about a strategically planned restrictive money making DIET, you can ABSOLUTELY lose weight without them. It's really all about just reducing the calories you take in compared to what you burn. Keep it right and you'll reduce your weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I feel that "diets" are fads that are temporary in most cases but they work for some and if that is what they want to do then so be it. I lost weight counting calories, portion control, and exercise. I ate/eat some junk but mostly a balanced diet. It's what worked for me.

    SW: 250ish
    CW: 175
    GW: 175
  • sonniedee
    sonniedee Posts: 26
    I'm 44 and 5'11"

    SW 200
    CW 175
    GW 160

    It is indeed a lifestyle change! I have also never been successful on any kind of "diet". The only time that I have lost weight and been successful in keeping it off, I did it through monitoring my caloric intake and exercising. I used MFP and this type of program several years ago and went from about 240 to 150. I was able to maintain that weight for a couple of years by being mindful of my eating and by exercising. I then had to have surgery on my foot for a bunion. During my recovery, I continued to eat as I had been while exercising, but regained my weight slowly until I hit 200 again and started my return back to healthy living. I still pretty much eat what I want (because I want healthy rather than crap), and I just watch my calories to ensure that I am where I need to be.
  • Shajsum
    Shajsum Posts: 121 Member
    You guys are giving the best advice!!!! LOVE IT!!! Keep it coming!!!!!
  • rsparks38
    rsparks38 Posts: 51
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    I started at 367lbs and i'm now 267lbs and my goal is 182lbs and i'm 6' tall and i eat what i want as long as i have a deficit i lose weight hope this helps
  • gonzalest14
    gonzalest14 Posts: 11 Member

    Let me start of saying I am 4'11'' and was weighing 140 which is pretty chunky for my height. When I was younger I was an athlete and it was easy to keep in shape. Once I moved away for college, I started to eat a lot of fast food and it was not a good friend to me. For a long time I struggled to keep myself motivated. I would get into working out and then fall off again. Then one day I decided it was not about the short term, but the long term commitment. If I wanted results that would last, I needed to make a life change. At first all I concentrated on was working out. I would work out between 3-5 days a week doing Zumba, weights, and cardio. Without changing or paying attention to my diet I was able to get down to 128 in about 3 months. The goal weight I would like to get to would be between 115-120. So I thought about it and decided I need to look at the food I was eating. That’s when I found out about MFP. I have to say, I am still eating what I want, but just modify it a bit in order to stay below my calorie limit. I even started to drink more water. Yesterday I had two slices of pizza at work today I'm even going to get Jersey Mike's Big Kahuna sub (regular on wheat) for dinner and I'm still under the calorie limit. MFP has shown me that I was eating non necessary things and made me realize all the bad things I was eating. Since starting MFP which has only been 2 weeks, I am down to 125.

    So I would say it’s about making better decisions in your foods, paying attention to serving sizes, calories, and working out.
  • ndlauren
    ndlauren Posts: 17
    I have basically subscribed to this method. It's been a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    My SW was 230
    My CW is 169
    My GW is 130

    I eat balanced, healthy meals. If I feel like it, I'll have a drink or two or dessert without feeling guilty about it. The catch for me has all been in the exercise. When I ballooned up to 230, I was living almost a completely sedentary lifestyle when in college I had been quite active. I started slowly, beginning by swimming. I then decided to try running, which I thought I hated, and soon found myself loving my running time. I run 4-5 times a week now, and still swim occasionally, and I think the balance between my food and exercise has definitely gotten me where I am today without a true diet. It's just about changing one's lifestyle :)
  • DanielleRN8
    DanielleRN8 Posts: 409
    Highest weight (right before son was born): 222
    MFP starting weight: 188
    Goal weight: 145
    Ultimate goal weight: 140
    Current weight: 129

    I haven't "dieted" since I started. I still eat everything I want, only now in moderation. I keep under 2,000 calories and don't deny myself anything. If I want to eat more, I workout more. It's as simple as that! Some people told me on here that I wouldn't continue to lose weight with the way I eat and I have enjoyed proving them wrong! Eat what you crave, but smaller portions! It works for me! :happy:
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