20 Foods to Boost Weight Loss

I read this and thought I'd share with you guys!

Its an old 2009 blog, so i'm sure you've maybe read it :) But just trying help! As so many of you are helping me <3

20. Olive oil - The site suggests mixing it with a healthy green salad in place of dressing, or drizzling a few teaspoons of it to a pasta dish with basil and garlic (which also has other health benefits!).
19. Avocado - The fat content, although seemingly high, is actually what satisfies the stomach most. Instead of mayo, the list suggests using avocado on a sandwich to get that creamy, moist texture.
18. Parmesan cheese - Sprinkling some of this delicious cheese over roasted vegetables, or pairing a piece with an apple offer two ways to enjoy this hearty dose of lactose.
17. Tarragon - By rubbing some of this dried herb on chicken or mixing in a low-fat (homemade) dip, research has found that tarragon attracts water, decreasing bloat. The herb also gives a sweet flavor, which may conquer any sweet-tooth cravings.
16. Sardines - Although certainly not the best smelling, this fish contains high levels of protein and omega-3's, helping with muscle maintenance. They suggest using sardines instead of anchovies, like in Caesar salad recipes.
15. Quinoa - Using this little fiber-filled food in place of rice in a stir-fry is suggested, and scrumptious.
14. Yogurt - Any surprise here? Yogurt has a fat-protein-carb power team that any body would enjoy. Eating it plain is mostly suggested, but it can also be used as a substitute for mayo in many recipes (like chicken or potato salad).
13. Pomegranate - Although the juice is incredibly healthy, this site lends the healthy stick to the seeds. Using these seeds instead of nuts on salad, or eating on their own, prove to be incredible.
12. Almond butter - The best way to use this is by substituting peanut butter in the classic PB&J sandwich.
11. Blueberries - The site suggests something I would certainly try: instead of topping my cereal with fruit, top your fruit (in this case, blueberries) with cereal and a dab of yogurt (or milk, for the traditionalists).
10. Buckwheat pasta - Using this kind of pasta over wheat or regular pasta will get you skinny in no time, since it's high in fiber and protein.
9. Apples - ...will keep both the doctor and the stretchy waistband pants away. My favorite? Mixing apple slices with peanut butter (or almond butter!) on the go helps me fight the urge to hit the vending machines.
8. Wild Salmon - A simple grilled filet of this fish will make anyone excited for fish. Pair this with quinoa and you're ready for a fiber and omega-3 filled meal.
7. Goji berries - Make your own trail mix instead of buying from the store: mix goji berries, raisins and walnuts for a healthy snack.
6. Lentils - Since lentils are so high in protein, skip the meat entirely. Instead, mix lentils with a pasta for a more fulfilling meal.
5. Oatmeal - (Yum!) Using oatmeal instead of breadcrumbs in recipes amps up the fiber and decreases the hunger after a meal. Try oatmeal in place of crumbs in meals like meatloaf, chicken cutlets or turkey-meatballs.
4. Kale - Although it may look similar to lettuce, it's way healthier for you. "Slice kale into thin strips, sauté it with vegetable broth and top with orange slices," chefs suggest.
3. Steak - Adding steak to any salad or fajita recipe proves not only to be delicious and hearty, but also incredibly high in protein.
2. Chiles - If you can stand the heat, puree these little peppers and use the sauce for a pasta dish.
1. Eggs - Don't skip breakfast! Cook up a little omlette or parmesan-egg scramble before you hit work.

T-daa! :D


  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    Guessin' no one found it helpful! :noway:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    This is a great list of foods but they do not promote weight loss as that's governed by energy balance.
  • VooDooChylde
    VooDooChylde Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks very useful!!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    This is a great list of foods but they do not promote weight loss as that's governed by energy balance.


    However this list is full of foods that are excellent choices for a healthy lifestyle as they are all natural (read: not prepackaged and loaded with chemicals or fake sugars).
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    Guessin' no one found it helpful! :noway:

    I did! i'm making my grocery list now. Thank you!! :smile:
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
  • PinkOrangeYellow
    I liked that he majority of yje foods in the list were suitable for vegetarians.... got a few ideas now... thank you :smile:
  • mishkat
    mishkat Posts: 99 Member
    Few here I havent tried yet, will try to keep in mind next time im grocery shopping. =)
