Amusement Park with Family, fun but bad for diet.

hungrybear Posts: 45
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
OMG, I think I ate at least 1000 calories over my daily limit. The garden salad looks so gross that I ended up ordering a hot dog with fries. I told myself not to touch the fries, but I did! AHHH! Then we all ended up at a pricey "all you can eat" Korean BBQ. Feeling bad about wasting money, I ended up eating a bunch of beef, chicken, fruits and lettuce...and jello! OMG, I'm feeling so full and terrible!!! So so terrible. I was so good for two weeks, now I ruined it. Must gym like crazy now. =(


  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    you didn't ruin, just start up where you left off.
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    i assure you that you did not ruin two full weeks of deficit. it was a mistake. now learn from it and move on. work out harder tomorrow.

    lesson: when going out to places you know won't have healthy options, pack food.

    as for wasting money: i know that money does not grow on tree and that some of us are stretching our dollars really thin, but was getting your money's worth really worth it? when going up one size at the fast food place is only an extra quarter, is that money saved worth your health (using that as an example).

    remember that you're only human and that these mistakes happen. learn from them, forgive yourself, and move on.
    :heart: aisha
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    It was not a mistake. You didn't accidentally trip into a buffet and the food fell into your mouth. It was a choice you made.


    Bright side to it all? Amusement parks usually require a lot of walking, although slowly, its still walking. You probably didn't blow your goal up by as much as you think when you add that in.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227

    I agree with the was just ONE DAY. it hasn't ruined a single thing! many of us here have a cheat day...I take the whole weekend off myself...
    sometimes we SHOULD take a day and overeat in my opinion. it keeps your body geussing...and your metabolism hopping!!! AND most importantly, it's normal life. I believe in losing weight, but still living normally sometimes's about balance if we want it to be permanent. if we want to lose weight and gain it all back, then yes we should obsess about every tiny thing!!
    anyhow hang in're doing great!

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