Staying on Track Even When You are Sick

Hi all,

I know this happens to everyone but this past week has really thrown me off my game. For the past two months I have been using MFP, and exercising religiously, but I was hit with a massive cold/flu type deal on Monday and it has really thrown me off of my game.

It has really been frustrating because I have been feeling like hell 24/7 so not only have I not been exercising but I have really been pretty half *kitten* when it comes to monitoriing my food and calorie intake. I am just so exhausted all of the time and I either I am really hungry or I have no appetite whatsoever. My concern is that I have lost over twenty pounds and I have, what is probably an irrational fear, that all of my work will be for nothing.

I know this will pass but i was curious how others deal with this and if anyone has any tips on how to better manage my diet through this that would be extremely helpful.



  • EAH123
    EAH123 Posts: 40
    HUGS! I deal with asthma and actually dealt with an asthma attack while doing the stair master yesterday. It sucked. The humidity and asthma just don't mix. I also deal with chronic sinus issues as well as sinus infections. There are some days that your body must rest. Doing too much can cause issues too.

    As far as advice, I would say try to walk/do something lite on the days you feel like crap.
  • InfinitePoss
    InfinitePoss Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for the advice and it's funny you mention asthma because I have had it my whole life and this is one of the reasons why I have been hesitant to exercise. So far everything seems to be above my chest but I would not be surprised if it moves there soon becauce that has tended to be what usually happens.

    Anyway, perhaps getting out in the warm California sun for a short walk will at least change my attitude, if nothing else;-)
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    When I'm sick, I up my calories to maintain and I walk as my cardio. I don't loose but I don't slide either.

    In any case, hope you are feeling better soon.