The Final Meltdown 7.23.09

Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Good morning all.

Today is tough. I just can't seem to break this plateau. I am over my TOM, but didn't drom the extra 1.5 lbs I had carried this week. I am bummed that I am going to Vegas (with brother), when I really only want to be with my DH (deployed).

Just generally is a funk.

I have still made it to the gym every afternoon this week, and the pooch and I did 2 miles this morning.

I hope you all see success today!


  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    You are not the only one in a funk I can not seem to get my butt in gear and workout. I have not done anything since Saturday and I am always tired right now. I am going to try to get some kind of workout in today. I am also already making bad choices for food today but I will try to get better about that as the day goes on.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Sorry to hear that you all are funky. I am just very busy today. We are leaving at 0'dark hundred tomorrow to go to Colorado and camp in the Rockies for 2 weeks. On the way home, we will go to our family reunion. So - after today, you won't hear from me before August 11th.
    I am a little funky myself, although excited about vacation. I have been sick for weeks, and this week the dr. put me on 2 antibiotics at the same time to try to kick it. However, it is really messing with my energy level.
    Anyway, I'd better get back to work. Hope everyone's day looks up, and I'll miss you!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Today is good.
    I got in my work out last night, stayed within my calories and dropped the extra lbs because of TOM.,
    Now I'm back down to what I was before aunt flo got here. Yeah!!!

  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Are any of you ladies on a GOOD multivitamin I think I need one
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Sorry to hear about the illness/antibiotic fiasco, Mary. I hope you are feeling better for your adventure~

    Smadag, I am horrible about taking a mv..... so, no... I can't recommend one. I have taken the liquid ones on the past, but I never stick with it...

    Contragts Memaw!!!! I was really hoping Iwould be lower than my preTOM.. but at least one of us was!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I just take the Equate Women's One Daily that I get at Walmart. I can't tell you if it helps, because I don't know how I would feel without it. However, both my dr. and my pharmacist daughter tell me that it can't hurt!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING! :flowerforyou:

    Mary, sorry you are not feeling well. Hope the meds work and enjoy your vacation!! much longer is DH deployed? My DH and I lived apart for 9 mos when
    we moved back to CA, he was down here and I was still up in Oregon with the kids.
    Good job on getting up and taking poochie for a walk! The extra # will come off....relax,
    your body probably still has water weight.

    smadag1.....hate that legargic feeling! no chance that your preggers????? DH and I take
    the vitamin pack from Costco. He leaves out the Ginseng as he doesn't like the way it
    makes him feel. Maybe a B complex? do you have a health food store near you? I don't
    like GNC, too commercialized.

    I'm HAPPY this morning......scale was down to 169.6!! :bigsmile:
    I haven't seen numbers this low in 10 years!! Hoping it stays off!!
    The weekend looms in my near future!

    Have a great day!!
    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    No chance I am preggo I have just had a lot of crap through at me latley
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good news? on the non-preggo!! :blushing:
    Sorry your going through so much's hoping you have a better day :flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Pam - Woo hoo on the 30 pounds! Keep it up!

    Here's to smart choices!
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member much longer is DH deployed? My DH and I lived apart for 9 mos when
    we moved back to CA, he was down here and I was still up in Oregon with the kids.

    I'm HAPPY this morning......scale was down to 169.6!! :bigsmile:
    I haven't seen numbers this low in 10 years!! Hoping it stays off!!
    The weekend looms in my near future!


    Yay to you Pam!.. Keep rock'in it!
    Hubby is deployed for a year (returning April '10). What sucks the most, is that although we had been friends for a couple of years before dating, we lived together for 9 months before we were married (last March) just before he deployed. So, no honeymoon, no down time..... hopefully we can do something when he gets back, but with his family I doubt it.... oh oh.. I feel the rant coming on!!!

    ***the following is a rant... please stop reading here if you value your brain cells, or the next couple of minutes of your life..... but I don't have any where else to rant, so I'll post it here... don't say I didn't warn you!****

    So, i have the most loving husband in the world. Kind to every fault imaginable. His family has used him to bail themselves out financially many times over. In fact, when his parents were losing their house (they couldn't make it on his dad's navy retirement, and his mother drinks them out of house and home), Steve actually took a mortgage out on his grandfather's house to fix the foundation, roof and other things, had them move in and took care of them with the promise that his father would pay the mortgage payments. This was to be accomplished because his father took a contract job in the middle east (you guessed it... 6 figures). Now, he did this 3 years ago. His mother lives in the house and drinks, smokes and lets her 4 poodles do their business anywhere. The house is disgusting and getting worse. Then, to make matters worse, about 24 months ago, my DH's sister dropped her oldest son off at the house (DH was deployed at that time too, and before we were married). His sister declared that she was preggo with her 3rd child and her husband (and the father of child #2) didn't want to raise another man's child .. so she just left him with my DH's mother. Un'freak'in believable!
    Meanwhile, DH's older brother has taken stuff out the house that belonges to my DH in order to pawn it for rent money.
    His father finally started paying the monthly payment about 5 months ago. In fact, he owes me 2 k for the property taxes I had to pay, because his dad hadn't (which he had promised to do). So I have kissed that cash good-bye. There have been multiple issues that I have had to deal with since my DH is deployed, and it is not making me happy. It always costs us.
    Now his dad is back in town (vacation, I assume) and has informed me that the water line under the house and a pecan tree out back has ruptured and it is going to cost $7k to fix it, and "I need to call the homeowner insurance" to have them pay for it".. and I doubt they have the deductable.


    Ok, rant over....

    I am SO frustrated, and I miss my DH SO much, and I don't want to burden him with this.

    I am sorry for laying it all out on you.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    You can rant here anytime you need to. I know about having worthless in-laws mine are about as sorry as yours. I wish I had words to make you feel better but all I can offer is a ear to listen and a sholder to cry on.:flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Rant on, sister! That's why we are here. No need to apologize. If you wanted someone to listen, you got it. If you want solutions, sorry, I'm fresh out. But hang in there and I will add you to my prayer list!
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