healthy ideas to over come a plateau =)

Hey everyone! so I've been stuck at my weight for a while now and i'm getting a little frusterated because the first ten came off so easily and now i'm struggling. I really want to lose 8 pounds by june 16. are their any suggestions? if i reach that I will no longer be considered overweight i'll have a normal BMI =) any suggestion or ideas on how i can reach that goal?


  • Ericacastillo
    Ericacastillo Posts: 28 Member
    i know how to spell and use the correct there lol *there
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    have you tried upping your calories? though I don't know what your current setting is, but that's just my two cents?
    try switching up your workouts too maybe? again, I am not an expert, just trying to help!