Is your Partner or spouse supportive?

Hi All,

I began my new summer fitness goals last week and expressed to my husband what I wanted to achieve and he said something like " who for? and why?"..... as if I am getting myself in shape for the sole purpose of finding another Man. I tell him that I am doing this for three people.. me,myself and I.... because I deserve to focus on myself for a change.

He is supportive and has said Good Job when he noticed me consistently working out, but then he will add a backhanded complient like.. " Oh great.. your working out again? ... not taking a break Huh?". I wonder what is behind all this. I hope to inspire him to make healthy changes.

any insight?


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Yes, my right hand is super excited about it's new body.
  • momtobe06
    momtobe06 Posts: 81 Member
    I bet...:embarassed:
  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    MotorCityFemmeFatale Posts: 222 Member
    " Oh great.. your working out again?"

    This one .... so unfortunately I don't have insight for you.
  • nannanorem
    nannanorem Posts: 98 Member
    Sounds just like my husband! he even said to me the other day..."your just going to leave me anyways" when I asked him if it made him happy that i was trying to get into shape and if he has noticed any differences. He is insecure and depending on what has happened between you and your spouse, in the past, he may feel that way also.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    My husband is supportive of me but I kinda wish he would do something for his own health. He is obese (like me) but doesn't have the desire to eat healthier or to work out at all. I try to make a healthy dinner and he will eat that and then instantly go scrounging in the kitchen for snacks. Moderation is not in his vocabulary right now. It is frustrating but I hope that I can set a good example and he will join me in his own time and when he is ready for the change.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    My wife is supportive and has lost weight with me. She doesn't work out but is accepting of me prioritizing my workouts into our daily routine. We eat healthy together but she has admitted she doesn't eat as healthy sometimes when she eats with her brothers for her lunch. I don't badger her to be like me and she doesn't ask me to do less. Works for us.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    My husband's great. He watches our son so I can catch Zumba a couple times a week, he eats whatever I cook, He tells me how great I look... he's fantastic.

    He's not overweight himself, and I wasn't when we met, but he's never said a word. I'd say I was fat and he'd say I was beautiful, but he also sees how happy this makes me and he cheers me on.

    Every time I see the scale move, I send him an email when I get to work.. and he'll generally reply, "That's great!" or "Happy for you!"

    He even goes as far as to ask.. "How was Zumba?" or "What type of strength training did you do today?"

    I guess I just hit the husband lotto.. but I knew that already :heart:
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    My husband is extremely supportive. I never had an over weight problem, but I was a underweight, smoking couch potato for as long as I'd know him (at least I cooked healthy though ;)). He is very much into fitness, we were pole opposites, so it was a shock for him when I finally got off my butt and said I was finally ready to change, I think he honestly thought "here we go again", but it has been 4 months of not smoking, 2 months of MFP, 6lbs gained and I have gone from a girl who absolutely hated exercise (never understood the point of it frankly) to heavy lifting 3 times a week (with him as my spotter) and just about to start the butt bible with complete and utter excitement. I think he is just as excited as I am to see the changes in my body, from weak and wimpy to progressively stronger, and getting baby muscles!, As the saying goes, "Skinny girls may look good in clothing, but fit girls look good naked"!

    To say he is impressed would be an understatement, so yes he is very supportive!

    As to your husbands statement, I guess it would depend on his tone, but unfortunately he does sound a little passive aggressive....I could be like that befor with my man, I suppose I was jealous of his interest and ability with fitness, so I would make small shizy remarks like that. That's my take at least.
  • momtobe06
    momtobe06 Posts: 81 Member
    you hit the nail on the head with the passive agressive stuff....
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I am extremely lucky. My husband is very supportive. So much so that when I was struggling to get back on track he joined Weight Watchers so he could go to the meetings with me and understand the program a bit better. He was my "trainer" when I started running and ran with me three mornings a week until I was confident enough to run with a mutual friend or on my own.

    He was very overweight before I met him, but he was one of those guys that decided to lose weight and did it by "eating less, moving more" and lost 60 pounds on his own, another 10-15 when he started running, and additional 15-20 with Weight Watchers.

    As supportive as he is, he still doesn't get the whole "emotional eating" aspect. But I love him for all the support he has given me. Never pushy and never condescending. Praises me when I do well but knows enough to keep his mouth shut when I go off track (had to explain to him in the beginning that I know when I'm not doing well and him pointing it out only makes it worse!).
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    My husband is supportive of me but I kinda wish he would do something for his own health. He is obese (like me) but doesn't have the desire to eat healthier or to work out at all. I try to make a healthy dinner and he will eat that and then instantly go scrounging in the kitchen for snacks. Moderation is not in his vocabulary right now. It is frustrating but I hope that I can set a good example and he will join me in his own time and when he is ready for the change.

    I think I married your hubby's twin! :sad:
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    My husband is my biggest supporter. We hit a bit of a rough patch around the holidays and were trying to be more supportive of each other. At the NY he decided to eat cleaner to lean down with a buddy and I decided to join him since I'm the cook and shopper and it's easier as a team. Plus I had some unwanted weight. We never imagined we'd be where we are today. Our relationship is 1000 times healthier bc my stress is gone bc my workout time is my me time and I can let go of all the crap from school, work, whatever. He use to be my sounding board for going off you could say; poor guy. I make the time for it and he's so supportive bc I use to be resentful of his gym time bc I felt I never could do it with everything else going on. We do abs or box with each other at least every night and go to the gym frequently togethor. He constantly cheers me on, will send texts during my runs encouraging me and is always expressing to me how proud and I love hearing that from the one person that matters. I do the same for him. I'm a very lucky girl bc I know of I didn't have him pushing me sometimes; I may have given up on something's.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Mine was a little skeptical I think when I first started trying to lose weight - I'd talked about wanting to lose weight in the past and I think he thought this time was going to be like all the others, although he did not say anything negative he wasn't all 'yay go for it!' either. After I dropped some poundage and other people started noticing, he was happy for me. When I started working out again I think he was skeptical that it wouldn't last, but he seemed happy when it became apparent that it was a habit and not just a passing whim. I think he got a little confused/annoyed when he realized I was a bit addicted to it - "I NEED to workout tonight to earn my dinner!" etc. LOL Then he decided he needed to lose some weight and workout too, so now he's extra supportive and totally 'gets' those stages that I went through myself. He even got a BodyMedia armband so he could really track his calories everyday. Now we're making plans to do active things together instead of just sitting around watching movies all the time. :-)
  • NWdreaming
    NWdreaming Posts: 95 Member
    It sounds like there is a deeper issue than you working out and getting healthy. He doesn't sound very secure in the relationship if he says "who for" and other things like that. I've found that if my hubs and I are fighting about ANYTHING, the working out thing can be thrown into the mix. He is supportive but also wants attention, its that terrible word "balance". Can you involve him or workout when he isn't around/up/in the mix?

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  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Hubby loves my 'curves' aka rolls, so isnt as supportive as id like him to be. He is also insecure and things ill 'find someone better' when im thin.

    Like i settled cause im fat...wrong!
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    My husband is supportive of me but I kinda wish he would do something for his own health. He is obese (like me) but doesn't have the desire to eat healthier or to work out at all. I try to make a healthy dinner and he will eat that and then instantly go scrounging in the kitchen for snacks. Moderation is not in his vocabulary right now. It is frustrating but I hope that I can set a good example and he will join me in his own time and when he is ready for the change.

    mine won't even eat everything i prepare.. and there is always a sugar soda, chips or icecream in his hand.. mine said that if i lost 20 pounds he would join me... i did, he didn't .. then he changed it to if i lost 30 pounds he would join me.. i did.. he didn't.. i have just given up on him.. i just want to focus on makeing sure my kids eat healthy..
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    I have a very supportive better half... it just sucks because she can eat whatever she wants and it is *I* who appears to gain the weight!
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    I hope to inspire him to make healthy changes.

    I think you'll find this sentence might be behind it, he might feel that you will stop him doing or eating what he wants.

    Us male types are as funny as you female types when it comes to be edged into a direction we don't want to go or haven't chosen to go :-)

  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    My husband was supportive at first, but now that I've stuck to it he is not supportive anymore because men look at me (his words). So I ignored him and carried on. I'm doing this for me and my children not for anyone else.
  • Salasel
    Salasel Posts: 69 Member
    Both my fiance and I are on here and try to keep eachother motivated. Since we both are working towards a healthy life style we can approch it as a team.