Adult acne and diet



  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    Maybe that's it... I was on the pill before and not now. Gah who knows! It's just so sore it is getting to me, and looks horrible and crusty :(

    I came off the pill a few months ago and get the same thing, such sore pimples. I spoke to my Dr about it and she gave me some cream but I haven't been strict using it so unsure of the results. I'm going to put it on every night before bed from now on to see if it works as it says it works over time.

    I would suggest talk to you GP about it as they may have some suggestions, but if you've come off the pill then they are most likely hormonal pimples.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Whenever I start to get breakouts, my makeup brushes are dirty.
    Once I wash everything my skin clears up again.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Philosophy! It's the best product I have ever used!!! You can get it at Ulta or I was using the foaming face wash and they recently discontinued it and replaced it with a gel foaming face wash which is amazing. A little goes a LONG way. I use the 'help me' at night which is what cleared my face initially and I use the 'hope in a jar' moisturizer every day. I was NEVER able to use a moisturizer on my skin before using philosophy. I have been using it since I got pregnant with my second and my skin went completely HAYWIRE. So...about four years now. I have half my family and friends hooked on the stuff. I tried everything before hand, noxema, neutrogena, clean and clear...even plain dial soap. A friend of mine who is a dermatologist told me about philosophy. LOVE IT!!!
  • MsTT80
    MsTT80 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 32 and I've suffered with acne since about the age of 11. At school my nick name was "pizza face" and of course that huge impacts on my confidence.

    I've heard that spots focused around the chin and jaw can be sign of hormonal and ovary problems (maybe be worth getting your levels checked).

    I use a range of products called Johnsons Clean and clear. My skin is really oily and ensuring it's clean is really important. I use a face wash and a skin toner/cleanser from the range and it seems to help control the oil. I also go make up free as much as possible, soon as I get home from work it comes off!

    I also wash my pillow cases frequently (every 2-3 days) as the oils from your skin can linger on the pillow case.

    I've not noticed any link to what I eat, but after reading everyone else's comments I may try reducing my dairy, although I don;t eat lots normally.

    Best of luck with your skin....hopefully someone will come up with a miracle cure one day!
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    Get rid of gluten in your diet and see what it does. It is well proven to cause skin conditions in adults.
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    I get breakouts on my chin from aspartame. Things like, diet soda and juice, light yogurt, sugarless gum, and flavoring packets for water all have aspartame so I have to avoid them.
  • meowstrom
    meowstrom Posts: 37
    I'm glad I found this post, my acne has been flaring up as bad as it used to be when I was in early highschool, and I was freaking out a bit but I think it might be caused by weightloss and the hormone levels going up and down when burning fat. To be honest I don't know and I hope it stops soon :\
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    I think it could be due to hormonal changes, skin products, or diet.

    I think your break out is most likely caused by you getting off birth control. Unless you're trying to get pregnant or health problems, maybe you could try getting back on bc? Otherwise, you will have to try to just treat it with products.

    Skin products: this was something that made me break out a lot when I was younger. I thought that I could prevent acne by washing my face consistently, but I broke out b/c my skin was sensitive. After my brother's suggestion, I stopped washing my face w/ product all together for a while & my skin cleared up. Try some hypoallergenic products--I think Cetaphil is a good one. And contrary to what many people think, I believe washing your face frequently may irritate your skin and make it worse.

    Food sensitivities could be the cause (as others have suggested). However, I think this is the least likely of the three. Have you changed your diet recently? This is also something that you can develop at around your age. E.g., I developed a mild lactose intolerance around age 27 (this did not cause me to break out, though). But note that food allergies can be tested w/ skin pricks, but sensitivities cannot. So to check for this, you'd have to try eliminating the food completely from your diet, then trying it again to see if you get a reaction. Also, if you do have a food sensitivity, you'd likely experience stomach problems. Common sensitivities are caused by lactose, gluten, and sweeteners.

    If your skin does not do well with salicylic acid, maybe you could try benzoyl peroxide. The "magic" ingredient in Proactiv is benzoyl peroxide, so you could get the same results using a different product. This site has a lot of tips and a cheaper product:
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Thanks for the awesome replies guys!

    I came off bc over a year ago so had plenty of time to adjust... not sure what the issue is!

    I'll give these a go though. I considered seeing a dermatologist. My mum has acne rosacea as like a stress reaction since my dad died and my sister also had something similar after he passed away so maybe that has something to do with it. Physically, I'm fine - no grumbles there... just the darned skin!
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    I've been off BC for 10 years and have had acne ever since then. I can't use harsh products on my face like proactive as it dries my skin so bad it starts peeling and flaking. I use only simple soaps that do not contain any oils/creams/anti-aging in them or I break out from that too. I have tried recently to cut out most of the dairy in my diet and so far I am noticing less acne. I should get tested for lactose intolerance as it runs in the family and I have tummy issues. Chocolate is a no-no. I have noticed that tea tree containing soaps help.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Try eliminating or reducing dairy. Dairy can cause acne in some people as it increases oil production due to hormones. I know cutting waaaay back on the dairy improved my skin immensely and my sister's who has cystic acne. We drink almond or soymilk.
  • unalasa
    unalasa Posts: 1 Member
    I suggest you to see a dermatologist - they will tell you what to eat and what not to eat based on your skin condition. For me - quitting chocolate, nuts, dried fruits, unnatural juices(basically the ones that are in carton boxes) and drinking only destiled alcoholic drinks(yet still keeping away from it though), my skin got so much better in 3 months, after 4 months it was perfect. But you have to know not to pick the acne, because this diet doesn't eliminate acne scars.

    Also fish-oil capsules and loads of water.

    Once your skin is absolutely clear you can treat yourself with a piece of chocolate or a few nuts once in a while, or have a glass of wine,. Just remember to stay in control. :)
  • gold566
    gold566 Posts: 17 Member
    I had the same problem for awhile. Dermatologists were no help. I finally figured out on my own that my trigger was caffeine. I was drinking large amounts of Diet Coke to make it through each day. So I now stay away from it as much as possible and rarely have breakouts anymore. If I do crave a Diet Coke I find caffeine free ones.

    My son has the same exact problem and his face and back are a complete mess right now. He had been relying on high caffeine drinks to get him through his last year of college. Now that he has graduated he is planning on backing off the pop, coffee and those 5 hour energy drinks to clear up his skin.

    You might look at what you are drinking and see how much caffeine you are consuming. It's worth a try.