As you all know this is a long weekend full of cookouts with plenty of good ol' American food!!
Sounds delish but I need to stay on track!
Does anybody have any ideas that are grill friendly and maybe some sides?
My sister is trying to eat healthy as well so I wont be the only one there watching my intake.......

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  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    ive been planning for this too since my folks are coming to US...so I get to make some choices lol

    here are my thoughts (not my menu)
    veggie or soy burgers are AWESOME stacked with fresh veggies and fancy mustards
    kabobs full off marinated chicken breast and veggies (onions, tomatoes, peppers, etc)
    cut up some sweet potatos into wedges and drizzle with olive oil, sea salt, and cracked pepper...grill to perfection.
    cant beat a nice cold salad...either fruit or veggie.
    turkey burgers are the BOMB.
    grilled asparagus (wrapped in bacon even!) SO GOOD.

    i would try to avoid white potato salads with mayo, pasta salads (unless veggie pasta is used)

    desserts could be tough, but fresh fruit can be great. low cal pound cake and fresh berries with whipped topping

    alcohol is going to be my toughie this weekend.
    im debating doing white wine all weekend but cutting it 50/50 with seltzer (at 100cals per glass of wine, i cant be suckin those things back all weekend lol)

    there's a recipe on here somewhere for frozen peanut butter cups...do a search for that. i might try those this weekend too.
    its like peanut butter, chocoloate protein powder, unsweetened cocoa, and sweetener (stevia)

    good luck!
    don't be afraid to say no to things you KNOW will set you back.

    enjoy the weekend!!

    i mentioned these in another thread and forgot to again here...there is a great variety of chicken sausages available at grocery stores, and they are an awesome alternative to italian sausages and kielbasa. my wife loves the sindried tomato ones, and i LOVE the chipotle ones. good stuff!