
Have you ever set a deadline in your life... I want to be in shape by next summer or even my next birthday?

Well guys, I turn 21 in 9 days, and off to Florida for the first time in 12 days. I am so excited to go, its just going to be me and my boyfriend for a few days. Needless to say, I'm nervous about my bikini (or tankini) body. Im the youngest in my family, and I don't know why but I've always put a lot of significance on being 21. I thought I would be in a different place than I am now with my weight. Started my weight loss in january, so I thought 6 months would be more than enough time to get the body I wanted. But now as the day is approaching I'm wishing for more time. Now don't get me wrong, i have a very supportive boyfriend and my friends have been great though the whole thing. Even though they tell me I'm doing a good job look good, I'm so nervous that I will be just another big girl squeezing it in something they just shouldn't be. I need advice, and support thought this one.

I'd like to know what your goals are, and how you'll handle it if you run over that deadline and how to keep going with the same motivation.